Xmas Favia Question


New member
Alright just got a nice piece of xmas favia from another member... Quick sum up, 29gal tank, 130w T5 HO, currently placed on the sand and seems content the past few days.

1) Should I move it up in the tank based on my setup?

2) When the lights are off these 'tentacles' come out - Are they just feeders or will they sting as well? Curious because they extend out nearly 2 inches, and I need to know if it'll sting from this distance - see pics bellow:


Standard dimension 29g all glass? With that much t5-ho at 18" depth or less you can keep that favia on the sand if you like, from what I have read and seen there is not a major difference in par between 6-18" with t5 that would make a big difference on coloration of your favia, or most Lps corals for that matter, in my opinion, place it where you like it best, it will be fine.

As far as the tentacles, yes they are stingers as well, keep other corals clear of those sweepers.
Yes, standard 29gal.

Alright, I thought those sweepers would sting as well - I will also move it up about 4inches or so (got a good spot for it). Rather than start a new thread... lighting regards to Acans and blasto - have those on the sand bed (blasto about an inch higher) both seem to be doing great.
i have all my acans in the sand i have halides(400w radiumx3) over them doing great just shoot them with mysis every few days and they are happy good luck
I have kept this coral & I think it should be fine in the sand. The right side looks like it has been stung by something??? All LPS love to eat meaty foods. Try soaking frozen mysis in Selcon & Vita-chem for an evening & squirt with a turkey baster, with the flow off for an hour.

Blastos don't like to be "blasted" with light.