
You can slice em, which I am not a big fan of. I am a fan of letting nature take its course. Other than that ime they are slow multipliers.
Not nearly as easy as leathers. You can dice aleather any way. Yumas have good servival rate, but the specimin must be in perfect health and fragging must be sterile with iodine dip. I've lost many yumas to some type of infection after fragging. Your best bet is letting it grow. If you have nice big fat ones then cut it in quarters. Freshly fragged yumas like a bit lower light as well. Good luck.
If you cut them right down the middle where it gets part of the mouth they will literally close back up and form a disk again. They are the easiest things to frag together with shrooms and that sort of things.

how do we frag shrooms ?

same way ? cut them at the mouth ?
Maybe I'll test it on a mushroom that I have multiples of first. I've fragged zoas and sps mostly. For iodine dip, do you mean something like Lugols?