Zoa Growth And Vitamin C Results

infinite abyss

New member
I followed the chart by puffer punk on this forum on how to dose vitamin c for my 30 gallon tank.

Some changes I've noticed after about 2 months of vitamin c dosing. 1-2 teaspoons X 2 a day

1) Brighter colors - alfa and omega zoas show more and brighter colors and faster growth.

2) Green implosion polyps sprouting faster with brighter color.

3) Quickened growth of dragon eye frags(could be due to change of placement. Recently moved them from high placement to just above my sand bed. Also, my colony seems to grow slower than the frags I make of them = fragging stimulates growth??); not sure if I noticed brighter color change in my dragon eyes yet. One of the frags did seem brighter, but can't remember if it was brighther to begin with or not.

4) Pink aurora palys look better than ever! Their colors couldn't be brighter. I have also noticed 2 new polyps coming in after I started dosing vitamin C; this was after months of no growth!

5) Skimmer - Cpr skimmer skimmin like crazy! It's pulling out a lot more junk than before and a lot faster! Is it causing improved cpr skimming or causing more waste products in my tank(is the question)???

I will need more time to see the effects of vitamin C on my zoas. Slight changes in coral placement and water flow may have contributed to variations of of growth patterns as well. I will continue dosing vitamin c and see what happens as I try to keep changes in my tank to a constant.

One thing I can say for sure? Vitamin c definitely seems to have no ill effect on my zoas. To further investigate the positive effects, I will continue to dose and hopefully report back.

Anyone else want to share their experience?

Here is a link to the dosing chart I used. Scroll near bottom.

Vitamin C Dosing Chart
allright I'm in. I just ordered from iHerb (love the name BTW). I'll try anything to help offset my 89watts of WHITE!
You are really dosing a LOT in there! I only use 1/2 tsp for my 100g system. Glad you are having expected results. :)
Oh & just to let everyone know, I have a great CPR skimmer that skims can skim for 60-75 gallon tanks which I use
for my 30 gallon! So maybe start this vitamin c thing at a low dose. My skimmer went insane after VIT C!

Besides vitamin c, I also dose iodide, which also may be contributing to enhanced colors.
I started dosing June 8th so not too long ago. Can't say yet if I have seen a difference or not. Definitely getting more growth on some of my zoas. I have a 65 and am dosing 2 tsp 2x a day. I was doing 1 tsp until I just recently (maybe about 4 days ago) bumped it up to 2 tsp. My skimmer is also pulling out more junk. I would guess that I would be getting much better growth and colors if I wasn't constantly putting my hand in the tank. I will have to refrain from doing that lol and see if there is a difference. This isn't just for zoa growth. My xenias are definitely growing faster which I don't like. At least they are growing on my glass and not the rocks. I will have to still wait and see the effects it will have on my sps.

I do have pictures I took before I started this but nothing to compare it to yet. Probably will need another few months.
Oh & just to let everyone know, I have a great CPR skimmer that skims can skim for 60-75 gallon tanks which I use
for my 30 gallon! So maybe start this vitamin c thing at a low dose. My skimmer went insane after VIT C!

Besides vitamin c, I also dose iodine, which also may be contributing to enhanced colors.

I heard to not dose Iodide in a tank. It may cause unnecessary algae growth. Not 100% sure though. I dose Iodide too but sometimes get lazy and skip a few days lol. i am also dosing Strontium. Thanks for reminding for dosing for today. :)
Abyss, do you mean iodide? Not iodine? I dose iodide (Tech-I) it's supposed to be good for coral and invert health.
I am dosing Kent marine Iodide, not Tech-I so I am doing it on a daily basis which it says is the recommended method.
I don't think 2 tsp for a 65 gallon tank is too much. The chart you posted up, I am keeping it at around 10ppm with 2 tsp.