zoa/paly id


Active member
Not sure what PE these are but they actually have blue around the mouth. The polyp that is clear in the picture doesn't show much blue compared to the others. Need ID on these along with the others.


These looked like Valentine's day Massacre to me but can someone verify?


2nd is def. not VDM. They stay bright red all the way to the white mouth with a dark ring about halfway between skirt and mouth.

Are you sure it's not a red batiks polyp or similar morph? I have the CherryCorals pic linked in my FS thread for them. Looks similar.
Yea, thats why I said similar morph. Just make up a name then. They dont need an ID to look good! That's the problem lately is everyone is getting hung up on names. We could call some turd ugly paly some fancy name and there will be people going crazy for it. But no-name a pretty one and people think they are worthless. :sad:
They are obviously not VDM if you didn't buy them as such and have no proof. I gave you the pic of VDM from a legit source. If they need a name that badly, just make something up.
I know the original ones I put up that looked like yours aren't VDM. I am talking about the others too, not just that one. I did post up another zoa picture after you posted up your vdm pic.