Alright, so I've been having some troubles with my zoas for a while now (probably over a month) and now I'm at a loss. The polyps were staying closed for the time but I wasn't losing any up until this week. I've also recently noticed a brown coating on them. It came off easily with a soft toothbrush, but has started coming back already. I've done water changes and dipped them all in Coral Rx but it doesn't seem to have helped any. I ran tests today and this is what I have:
Salinity - 1.023
Nitrate - 10
Nitrite - 0
Ammonia - 0
pH - 8.0
Calcium - 400
Carbonate Hardness - 11dKH
Phosphate - 0
Out of 11 frags in the tank, only my 2 polyps of rastas seem to be unbothered. There are a few radioactive dragon eyes that are open, and occasionally two or three green lanterns. I almost forgot to mention, originally they had started to turn brown before completely closing up. Any help at all would be highly appreciated, thanks.
Salinity - 1.023
Nitrate - 10
Nitrite - 0
Ammonia - 0
pH - 8.0
Calcium - 400
Carbonate Hardness - 11dKH
Phosphate - 0
Out of 11 frags in the tank, only my 2 polyps of rastas seem to be unbothered. There are a few radioactive dragon eyes that are open, and occasionally two or three green lanterns. I almost forgot to mention, originally they had started to turn brown before completely closing up. Any help at all would be highly appreciated, thanks.