Zoanthid help?


New member
Alright, so I've been having some troubles with my zoas for a while now (probably over a month) and now I'm at a loss. The polyps were staying closed for the time but I wasn't losing any up until this week. I've also recently noticed a brown coating on them. It came off easily with a soft toothbrush, but has started coming back already. I've done water changes and dipped them all in Coral Rx but it doesn't seem to have helped any. I ran tests today and this is what I have:
Salinity - 1.023
Nitrate - 10
Nitrite - 0
Ammonia - 0
pH - 8.0
Calcium - 400
Carbonate Hardness - 11dKH
Phosphate - 0

Out of 11 frags in the tank, only my 2 polyps of rastas seem to be unbothered. There are a few radioactive dragon eyes that are open, and occasionally two or three green lanterns. I almost forgot to mention, originally they had started to turn brown before completely closing up. Any help at all would be highly appreciated, thanks.
Dip all first with iodine (or some kind of diping liquid I forgot the name - someone will chim in) and also bring down the ALK to 7-9. Chang the water to bring the ALK down
Dip all first with iodine (or some kind of diping liquid I forgot the name - someone will chim in) and also bring down the ALK to 7-9. Chang the water to bring the ALK down

The only iodine I have currently is Kent Tech I, would that work? Otherwise I'll have to wait a few days before I can pick up anything else. :/
I did a water change today and a dip. I saw a white lookin worm come off one of the frags. A bunch of other stuff came off them but the worm looked like the only thing that was moving. Hopefully some improvement will show soon.
I am in the same pickle as you, My bam bam colony and 2 other frag colonies have been closed for more then a month but some polyps open from time to time. My water parameters are almost the same with my alk being lower around 7 ish. I dipped mine in coral Rx that I had and that doesn't look like it helped, my next thing to try to doing an iodine dip. Let us know if you figure out your problem :)