zoas were doing great, now closed and wont open


New member
I recently put some zoanthids in my tank a week or so ago and they were doing great. Recently within the past 24 hours they have started to close up and wont reopen. I am really scared to lose them and do not know what to do. I dipped them in coral revive for 15 minutes yesterday, but they still look horrible. Does anybody know what could be wrong? Here is a pic:

sorry for the massive picture
what size is your tank?
what are your water parameters? (include: SG, pH, Temp, Amm, Nitrite, Nitrate and Phosphate readings)
how long has your tank been running?
do you dose anything? (ie: carbon dosing, Alk, Ca, Mg)
what type of lighting do you run?
what was your acclimation process for this coral?
My tank is a 90 gallon my parameters are 1.023 sg, KH is roughly 6-7, pH is 8.2 amm is 0 nitrite is 0 nitrate is roughly 10, phosphate is zero, my tank has been running since august, i run 250w metal halides, but i have the zoas to the side of the tank. I dose carbon, i acclimated the coral on a drip for about 30 mins
Not sure-but is there anything on the zoa's you haven't seen before ? You may have to dip them if there is something on them. Also did you start running GfO or carbon ?
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it looks like your having the exact same issue i had. 90 gallon tank ran fine for a couple years then all of a sudden huge phosphate issue. API & salifert test kits read that my levels were acceptable. Bought a Hanna Tester and bam phosphate level was threw the roof. Originally i though it was a magnesium issue.
What are you dosing? Vodka, vinegar? If the phosphates and nitrates get too low your z and p's will close up and melt.

This is true to an extent, they need nutrients in the water to feed but light and photosynthesis play a big part too. It would only be a problem if you really stripped down the nutrients in the tank and generally only if it happens so quickly that zooxanthella production can't compensate.

This is also how some insane color morphs are created over time. Not a ridiculous theory at all.

The OP's problem is more likely due to some kind of irritant/infection. I would do a 1:4 peroxide dip for 10 min and repeat 2 days later if still not opened up. You might also move them to a higher flow area to try and she's that slime coat.
What are you dosing? Vodka, vinegar? If the phosphates and nitrates get too low your z and p's will close up and melt.

I have an extensive collection of z+P's with very low phosphate and nitrates. I do not agree with this statement at all.

This is my advice. Leave the frag alone. You said the frag was open for a week and closed 24 hours. That's OK it happens. I have a frag of magicians that have been closed 3 weeks. Yesterday they opened and have stayed open. I have had similar issues with many different polyps. What you need to look for is signs of distress or disease. Check the polyp for a brown film. If you see one dip daily. I use luguls or coral RX pro. If you see multiple white spots research ZOA pox. Check polyp at night and make sure nothing is picking at it. If any polyps go completely white cut them out immediately.

Also is the palys named? If so what is it. Might be able to help with optimal placement
I have an extensive collection of z+P's with very low phosphate and nitrates. I do not agree with this statement at all.

There is a difference between low/0 on hobby grade equipment and stripped. Heavy carbon dosing (or solid through bio pellets) can strip water down to the point where corals that absorb nutrients through their cellular structure will have issues.

I agree with you though, most likely not thre problem here. It's usually only something that happens in Zeovit type ULNS.
Thant's ridiculous, where did you ever hear that?

Do a few google searches and you will find a ton of information linking bio pellets and carbon dosing to z's and p's having issues and some tank crashes. Prolonged excessive use will strip the tank. I am not talking about low, I am tank about 0 readings for a few months. I know of a few tanks locally who have experienced this after bio pellets and carbon dosing. Perhaps I should have defined low. In this case it is low being stripped.

I am not sure on the OP's dosing habits so it is a possibility.
Rarely, could the average hobbyist achieve this. I have dosed very high amounts of VC & often have remained at semi-high dosages for years.never crashed a tank.
Is it just that frag that is closed or whole tank. Maybe its just in to much flow or not enough or same with light usually if mine closed they werent happy so i move and they r fine. Also 1.023 kinda lowfor corals imo most run least1.024 /1.026 .
Thanks for the input everyone! Its great to know theres a helpful community out there. The zoas are still not open. I have some open in my tank, but the same frags are still closed. I am going to try a peroxide dip today. Will post back with results
It almost looks like you have a fungus growing on them. I would take a soft toothbrush and gently brush them. They look healthy though so maybe flow or lighting is bugging them. Zoas can be tricky at times, just don't over dip them try to solve the problem. Often leaving them alone is best.
I have had a zoa colonie that i thought was dying off just the way yours looks but then only to grow back bigger and faster than ever you never no what is going on just do your best happy reefing
In my Pico, if I let the Alk fall to 7 dkh or below, some of my zoas will close up. When I raise the Alk back to 8 or above, the zoas open up.