List your D-Spots


I'm showing mine so you will show yours :a21:

From Memory in order (top down) of awesome (every dive is awesome)

Maui (inc Molokini Crater Wall ((Whale Shark!!))
Cozumel, Mexico
Nassau, Bahamas (inc Stuart Cove's sharks)
Cancun, Mexico (inc Chac Mool cenotes)
Grand Cayman
Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
Florida, USA (various)
"Blue Hole" Santa Rosa, NM, USA (certified there all the way through PADI Rescue over several years)
Puerto Penasco, Mexico
Pearl Lake, WI, USA
Aurora Reservoir, CO, USA

Will edit as necessary (hopefully this fall will include more distant pacific)
I didn't know you were a diver!!!
New dive buddy? :)

Trying to plan a St Croix trip this year.
I didn't know you were a diver!!!
New dive buddy? :)

Trying to plan a St Croix trip this year.

Always looking for a dive buddy! Post where you've been! I am looking for some new places and was hoping to get some ideas here.
Best order I can remember:
Maui, HI
Kaui, HI
Curacao 2x
Bonaire 3x
Roatan, Houduras 3x
St Croix
Bahamas 2x (north & south ends)
Red Sea, Egypt
Cayman Brac 2x
I'm sure there's a bunch more. I'll ask Hubby when we gets up in the morning.
Best order I can remember:
Maui, HI
Kaui, HI
Curacao 2x
Bonaire 3x
Roatan, Houduras 3x
St Croix
Bahamas 2x (north & south ends)
Red Sea, Egypt
Cayman Brac 2x
I'm sure there's a bunch more. I'll ask Hubby when we gets up in the morning.

I hear very good things about the Red Sea. Would you agree that it should be on a bucket list?
Absolutely, if it's ever safe to travel there again. Hubby were supposed to go for our 20th anniversary in September but too much violence going on right now. Definitely not safe for Americans.
I'm a newb. :) So I have only been diving in the waters around Cancun (since we have a place there and we're there all the time). Despite being a newb, like everything I do (as it shows in reefing), I do it to the extreme... I read, study, research, learn, practice until my head explodes! My dive instructors were impressed and I got a good hold on buoyancy and trim just after a couple dives. My husband on the other hand..... haha. We have all our own equipment and don't just have cheapo stuff. People on our dive boats were jealous because despite the rental gear being good stuff, ours were far superior. Makes your dives much more enjoyable.

The Cancun reefs are surprisingly in very good condition, we did several reef and drift dives last month. Only one day we had bad dives due to ocean conditions.

Here I am in front of an artificial lobster house :) despite wearing a 3mil in 79 degrees, I was still cold... I'm a wimp. I'm going to get a lavacore under vest/hood to help keep me warm.

I'm a newb. :) So I have only been diving in the waters around Cancun (since we have a place there and we're there all the time). Despite being a newb, like everything I do (as it shows in reefing), I do it to the extreme... I read, study, research, learn, practice until my head explodes! My dive instructors were impressed and I got a good hold on buoyancy and trim just after a couple dives. My husband on the other hand..... haha. We have all our own equipment and don't just have cheapo stuff. People on our dive boats were jealous because despite the rental gear being good stuff, ours were far superior. Makes your dives much more enjoyable.

The Cancun reefs are surprisingly in very good condition, we did several reef and drift dives last month. Only one day we had bad dives due to ocean conditions.

Here I am in front of an artificial lobster house :) despite wearing a 3mil in 79 degrees, I was still cold... I'm a wimp. I'm going to get a lavacore under vest/hood to help keep me warm.


Next time you are in cancun take the ferry over to cozumel. It's like night and day vs. Cancun and makes a fun day trip. Just get a dive bag with wheels on it and get your husbands NB under control because there are some nice swift drifts available.
went to Tahiti for my honeymoon over a decade+ ago, it ruined the carribean for me....:)
Best order I can remember:
Maui, HI
Kaui, HI
Curacao 2x
Bonaire 3x
Roatan, Houduras 3x
St Croix
Bahamas 2x (north & south ends)
Red Sea, Egypt
Cayman Brac 2x
I'm sure there's a bunch more. I'll ask Hubby when we gets up in the morning.

Pufferpunk, are your locations in order from favorite on down?
No particular order.

Eric, Maybe if you got a lil more meat on your bones, you wouldn't be so cold! Get a vest to put over your suit & wear a hood. Made a ton of difference for me.

Maybe a hood like this?
I can only dream of getting to some of the sites you guys are listing. Hawaii, GBR, Cozumel...dream dive sites!

I'm a California diver through and through. I got my Open Water, Adv, Master, Rescue and Scientific Diver certs in college up in Northern California. My final dive for OW was 3' vis and 47°. I was freezing after 40 minutes!

Anyway I've been diving everywhere from the Oregon border to the Mexican border and most beach dive sites in between. Lots of rivers and lakes too!

If I had to narrow it down it would have to go, in no particular order:

Mendocino Headlands, N. Ca
Blue Caverns, Catalina Island, Ca
Avalon Dive Park, Catalina Island, Ca
Torqua Springs, Catalina Island,Ca
Laguna Beach, S. Ca
Trinidad Bay, N. CA

At the Mendocino headlands you have to navigate down a cliff then you can stride 10' into the water and be in 100fsw in a few kicks. Heard whales underwater while they were migrating too!

At Blue Caverns I did my first drift dive at 60fsw and could see the bottom at 150fsw. Sweet!

Avalon Dive Park is just that. A park! It is a stones throw from the bars and literally has steps with handrails inti the water. Huge friensly 500lbs Black Sea Bass frequent the entry/exit. Plenty of wrecks and you can reach 130fsw in a few kicks. They also cordon the park off ti keep boats out. Very cool. Google it.

A fellow instructor and I took some kayaks up to Torqua Springs and did a kayak dive. We saw 4 different 7+ft soupfin sharks slowly meandering through the kelp forrest. Life changing experience for sure.

I live just an hour drive from the city of Laguna Beach, Ca. It has the highest concentration of beach dive sites in all of California. Every cove is a dove site. In a stretch of 3 miles on the northern half of the city there are dozens of different dive sites, kelp forests and all.

Trinidad Bay is where I did my Rescue dives. It averages 2-3 ft vis but during upwelling events twice a year it can reach 30 ft vis. Everything is big there. I used to work at my schools marine lab there in the morning and spearfish in the afternoon.
I'll be joining you guys soon enough! I will be in Fiji for 10 days in July and it will be my first time scuba diving. I just finished my confined water dives and will be taking care of the open water dives soon. We are also taking a family trip to Maui in the fall too (By the way Jeni, how was it as I see you've been diving there?) so I figured now would be the time to get certified. I'll be sure to post pics when I return :)
I'll be joining you guys soon enough! I will be in Fiji for 10 days in July and it will be my first time scuba diving. I just finished my confined water dives and will be taking care of the open water dives soon. We are also taking a family trip to Maui in the fall too (By the way Jeni, how was it as I see you've been diving there?) so I figured now would be the time to get certified. I'll be sure to post pics when I return :)

backside of molokini with these people: You will never have a better experience. Want to see a frogfish in his natural habitat? Pauline knew where one lived!
I've also dove in the Red Sea -- but in Eilat, Israel. It's certainly safe for Americans there, but I hear the diving is better in Egypt (particularly in the Sinai peninsula). I can't compare it to anything else because it's the only place I've been, but it was great (except for when I occasionally remembered that I was breathing underwater and freaked out.)