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hey does lizard island live up to the hype? I've been looking at either that or Fiji in the spring.
Lizard Island and Green Island were great spots to dive, and do live up to the hype IMO. The first fish I saw was one of my favorites, a Bluefaced Angel (or yellowfaced angel as the called it ). The sea life was incredible and everywhere, even up to the beach. I saw tons of fish, cuttlefish, clams everywhere, and hundreds of blue linkia star in knee deep water. I wished I had a cooler and some plastic bags :) They are pricey though, and I'm not sure I would ever pay that kind of money for a trip again. They are "exclusive" spots with less than 100 guests or so on the island at any time. If you want to eat, there's a restaurant. One restaurant and you have to make reservations:) Opened the menu and all they had listed was BUGS. Not bad considering they are actually Slipper Lobsters! It was a great trip to both islands, but I would only stay a few days if I went back. Never been to Fiji. It's on my to-do list!!!!
Actually I just saw the thread today. It sounds really cool!!! I'll have to check it out...

We need commitment and deposits soon, like next week, so see what you can do if you want to go. Flights are only $188 now, so to get in early will help keep costs down.
Maui North end
Big Island E. end
Turks and Caicos
Grand Caymen

Bored at work so il share the story of Grand Cayman
On the plane there i meet a young women and older man who had been going there to find a solution to the invasive Lion fish. Long story short, they offered to take me and my brother diving the 5th day we were there. The 3rd day i dived the north end booked through the hotel. The waves were choppy but the dives were awesome. 2x 60ft reef dives.

The 5th day, we met up the man and woman on the south end. We picked up all our gear and hauled to the shoreline where we put it all in a 4ft x 10ft boat. Then we drive out to our first dive site( a 120ft wall dive). I was a little nervous to say the least. I put all my gear(which was very old and used) and checked to make sure everything is "good" and dived in. Floating at the surface was eery considering i can see everything on the bottom and the dark blue abyss not far away. Then i slowly get all the way to the bottom when i checked my gauge at 100ft. I go to look up at the surface and all i see /hear is bubble coming from air house. It only leaked air when i looked up with my head. Considering i would get the bends if i shot up the surface i stayed at the bottom and tested all my other equipment. I basically said "screw it" at that point and followed him into a cave. I saw huge lobsters and 5' tarpon before exiting the cave to see a 5000Ft drop off and nothing but blue. I check my gauge again and it said 135ft. We then slowly went up the wall and returned to the anchor.

If any of you get a chance to dive grand cayman, DO IT! just don't dive with the team i did.
I found a picture of the exact cave/divesite i did while i was there.
My next dive destinations are Bora Bora, and maldives.
Behind the cameraman is the drop off
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