180 upgrade begins :) custom stand and setup build

Soooo it's been about a year to date since I started my 93 cube build and I love reeding over freshwater so much I must go bigger and try to build a better setup to satisfy my coral addiction.. I will be dismantling the 93 and putting the 180 in its place since I refuse to have more than two tanks up at once. I'm always open to suggestions I am new but have gained a ton of knowledge on this board and others.. I'm so thankful for all the info thus far... Transferring over 40 types of coral to the new setup and 8 fish plus many inverts is going to be very tricky and I am looking for advice on how to do so while preserving their health so please chime in since I need to completely remove the 93 setup before the 180 can even come upstairs ;( I have access to a large Rubbermaid horse trough and I'm thinking of draining all the tank water into it and putting a pump with a heater in there until the new tank is up... Or should I use a 55 gallon empty tank from my fathers fish room? Run it bare bottom with hang on back filter with floss and some carbon? Will this support the livestock for 2 days? It would be a easy transfer and I can set it on the floor right next to the 180 install area.. Anyhow enough babble jabbel here's what I've got so far

Equip list
Tank~~~ 180 gal aqueon pre drilled
Lighting ~~~. 2-AI hydras 1- AI hydra 52 and the wireless controller with a coral compulsion led par bulb for fuge area
Sump ~~ 48" x 15x 16 custom acrylic with dual filter socks and 9" baffle height scored new for 200$ :) ( thinking about modifying baffles and moving filter socks to center with skimmer and using far left side for fuge with chaeto and a big live rock chunk ADVICE ON THIS MOD PLEASE)
Return pump ~~~ jeabo 1200 DC 1" output to 2 pcs 3/4" drilled returns with generic locline Y's that has bigger internal diameter which will be screwed into bulkheads. Also thinking of a manifold to power 2 to 3 reactors down the line...
Skimmer ~~~ OVERSPENT LOL Reef octopus XP 3000 true cone bad ass mofo skimmer
Reactor setup ~~~ un decided suggestions please
Heater ~~~ running 2 the 300 watt jäger from the 93 paired with another 350 watt new jäger controlled via apex
Overflow setup ~~ thinking Herbie with one drain and emergency per overflow box and then drilling in 2 x 1" bulkheads for return flow ... I think my durso is to loud and sump has a lot of overflow volume for powerless so it should be ok...

The new glass ghetto style unloaded :sour:

New sump ( thinking of converting current filter sock area to fuge any suggestions or just put chaeto in middle compartment with a few rock pieces and skimmer in filter sock section with pump after the bubble traps gimme ideas clever reef friends :-)

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Im new to salt so this advice will not be as good as most others here but id keep the sump how it is and put the skimmer in with the socks. As far as skimmers go maybe a bubble magus sc200. Looked good when I researched skimmers. I like the danner supreme pumps so maybe 2 mag 12s they will give you about 1600gph at 7' and 1760 at 5'.

Sent from my SPH-L720T using Tapatalk
Just my $.02 -
I like the MAGs also for a return pump. Get a bigger pump that you think you'll need and dial it down with a valve if necessary. For the sump I have the return pump in the middle. I have a "T" to divert the drain to the fuge and the skimmer sections. The pipe on the fuge side has a valve to slow the GPH rate in the fuge. I have a heater in the overflow connected to a controller but during the colder months I run a second one in the sump.
Just my $.02 - Get a bigger pump that you think you'll need and dial it down with a valve if necessary.

I've added several reactors and even attached tanks to my original oversized return and turned down with valves. It's nice to have the extra in case you ever change ideas in the future.
Nice project. I agree with the others here. Doing a stub off your return line is a great idea. You can run reactors with no additional powerheads. If you're going to valve back an oversized pump, you might as well just get a dc pump so you can just dial back the pump itself. I'm really liking my jaebo dc12000 I installed a few weeks ago.
I would like to try a jaebo but hear mixed reviews on quality as far as return pumps. Powerheads are another story I only run there stuff for the $ they are sweet. I think I'm gonna try a sp4 fluval sea or aqueon 6000 maybe mag 12 lol decisions decisions I really wanna be under 150$ though... No need to throw away $ on a 225$ or more pump in my eyes

Heaters are throwing me for a loop though since everyone says they all suck lol
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I would like to try a jaebo but hear mixed reviews on quality as far as return pumps. Powerheads are another story I only run there stuff for the $ they are sweet. I think I'm gonna try a sp4 fluval sea or aqueon 6000 maybe mag 12 lol decisions decisions I really wanna be under 150$ though... No need to throw away $ on a 225$ or more pump in my eyes

Heaters are throwing me for a loop though since everyone says they all suck lol

Go with fluval sea its make by Askoll, I use the DC pump before and it was a big waste of money. It lasted last then a year and the power supply melted.
I have a apex already on 93 so I will transfer that over

Soo mostly done framing the stand I have a complete supply's list I will post at the end if someone would like to copy this build and know exactly what you need...

Upper and lower frames and kreg drilled legs

Joining frames with kreg drilled legs ( minus center front braces figuring out how to do doors so I can remove sump and brace the stand somewhat centrally... Used a 2x6 up front just in case I have to go off center with the 3rd or 4th legs... Will prolly kreg them and put screws out front so they are removable if I need to get sump out with tank together... SIDE ACCES NOT AN OPTION!

Seeing how I want to locate sump so I can install a 2x3 somewhere to hang reactors.. Suggestions please also going to make a custom light holder for the led par fuge bulb that mounts to. 1x1 up top... No more gooseneck :) suggestions please. And also suggestions on how to mod sump for fuge ...
how do you guys feel about reeflow pumps? thinking about that for the return

and thanks for the GTR love its my fav :)

I used a reeflo for a couple of years on my 220. It's too much power, but you can valve it back. You can have mine for $50 since I have no use for it.
I used a reeflo for a couple of years on my 220. It's too much power, but you can valve it back. You can have mine for $50 since I have no use for it.

what are you using now then saw? and i'm definatley interested... most ppl i see are running 2 pumps that produce 2000 gph or more so i figured it would be a good option.. i honestly have no idea what return pump to buy but i dont want to be heating the crap outta the water either
what are you using now then saw? and i'm definatley interested... most ppl i see are running 2 pumps that produce 2000 gph or more so i figured it would be a good option.. i honestly have no idea what return pump to buy but i dont want to be heating the crap outta the water either

Jaebo DC12000. Love it and would recommend it. I only run it on speed three of six and it pushed plenty of water.
Updated first post with some new plans and equipment on the list :)
I overspent on the skimmer but it's a bad ass piece and only needs 6-1/2" of water which will be easy in my 8.5" deep sump skimmer section.... Going to run 2. 3/4 inch returns off the pump with a manifold that has 3 outlets for reactors and such
Please post manifold suggestions or critique my purchases hoping I made good calls. I hear that skimmer is supposed to be great and was only discontinued due to manufacturing costs and a high price point.. I got a sweet deal on it locally and couldn't pass it up.

And a teaser of the 93 :) and a sweet acro colony I scored from a member