Saint Johns virgin islands

Coral Savers

New member
This has to be the best place for a island trip. Most of the island is national parks with tons if not all the beaches can be accessed by the public. The best part is the reefs are right off shore, instead of diving in 20 meters of water you can snorkel in standing water. The reefs of saint johns are amazing. I have been to the island 3 times now and cannot wait to go back. Highly recommend it to anyone wanting to take a trip.
Only been once and absolutely loved St John and some of the BVI. Nice hard coral beds at snorkel depth if you hike. Really looking forward to a return trip.
Gonna stop by St Thomas/Martin in a couple of weeks for a family cruise. I wonder if the reefs there are the same?
I spent 3 years living out on St. Croix... Got Scuba certified there and traveled between he VI's a bit. I love the reefs out there, I have some unbelievable underwater memories from there :)
Hey Coral! Where did you go snorkeling at on St. John? I will be taking a trip to St. Thomas in June for the second time and was thinking about doing some snorkeling when we take a day trip to St. John. Did you go right off the beach like at Trunk Bay or did you take some sort of boat excursion? I am curious! :)

This has to be the best place for a island trip. Most of the island is national parks with tons if not all the beaches can be accessed by the public. The best part is the reefs are right off shore, instead of diving in 20 meters of water you can snorkel in standing water. The reefs of saint johns are amazing. I have been to the island 3 times now and cannot wait to go back. Highly recommend it to anyone wanting to take a trip.
Any of the beaches on the north side of the island are good. If you want a less populated beach is would try honeymoon bay seen a few large sharks of that beach as well. The beaches to the east of trunk bay are also less populated. If you want to go to a more rocky beach with cliffs to snorkel by I would try the north side haulover bay