How to get clowns to host the nem?


Just picked up a pretty nice BTA yesterday, so far my clowns show no interest. They are Midnight clowns not sure if that makes a difference or not. Any suggestions would be great, thanks all
I wish I could tell you, BUT all I can say is good luck! In the past I've tried EVERYTHING without success and when I don't care and done NOTHING they find the nem. Perhaps someone else can chime in but The best results seem to be putting them in close confines.
I know this will sound odd but I tried several methods for my clowns until I printed a pic of clowns hosting a similar colored Nem and taped it to the tank. Within hours they were in the Nem. I'm very serious. Might be coincidence, might not be. But it's worth a shot.
Sounds like captive bred clowns, they don't know what an Anemone is. I read somewhere that if you clap the water they may run for the Nem, never tried it so really not sure if that would work.
Yeah mine are captive bred designer clowns. If anyone but me, particularly Rich, goes near their Nem they will bite you, lol.
I have had a pair of clowns in my biocube for 6 months now, My Hammer and Frog spawn are hosting one, It took about 4 months for him to do this. The female is just starting to go into the hammer. I do have BTA that they do not touch. I say just let them be, When they are ready they will or will not be hosted by a coral or nem. Just takes patience as with anything in this hobby.

My 90 has 2 Sebae clowns that will not leave their BTA. Also I just let them do their thing and the Nem host them. Took 2 weeks for the Nem to host.
I just bought 2 black clarkii clowns today and within 15 minutes they were both hosted into my carpet anemone i guess its just luck of the draw sometimes
When I got my snowflake clowns they wouldnt host my BTA for months. So I bought a breeder box, took the nem off the rock and placed both clowns in the box with the nem. After 24 hours they where hosting and havent stopped since.
I have the same problem. I have Nems, frog spawns, hammers and they don't seem interested in any. This weekend I am going to start with the picture method that r33fswag3r mentioned and will go from there in 2 day intervals. I am hoping it works with the picture method because I feel bad forcing them in a confined space with the nem.

Wondering if yours started hosting yet and what you tried.
Seems like hit and miss from my limited experience. I have a pair of clowns and only 1 clown would host any nem I put in the tanks. The other nem only host the magnet!

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Get a breeder box put nem in the box with the clowns chase them into it ive also just thrown them into them sounds worse then it is lol
My clowns hosted my waving hand Xenia.. WH Xenia doesn't seem to mind. Sold the nem since it wandered and pissed off a lot of coral.