What tool you use to feed your Corals..?

I use the syringe that comes with my son's infant Tylenol. Had a ton of them, only 5 ml but it works... it'll work good on your 30
I use the TLF Julian Thing and find it particularly useful with "dusty food" like Reef roids and reef chilli. Keeps me from broadcast feeding the whole tank.

That said, I've either got to get rid of my cleaner shrimp or begin using a cutoff soda bottle top to keep the buggers from digging the food out of my LPS!
Just a turkey baster here.

Anybody use the kent marine sea squirt? Basically looks like a long turkey baster, amazon has it for $15.99 with Prime.
I got turkey baster and some small syringe...they all ok so far..I may try the TLF Julian Thing later..Thanks
The other thing I like about the TLF julian thing is that it keeps my hands out of the tank when feeding chalices and acans on the bottom of the tank :)

With my soda bottle top shield idea, I'll now need to also use my EHEIM Plant tongs!
Just a turkey baster here.

Anybody use the kent marine sea squirt? Basically looks like a long turkey baster, amazon has it for $15.99 with Prime.

I do and love it , had to do a small mod to it and drill the tip a little bigger but it's been in the family for years and can feed the bottom of the tank without even getting the hands wet.

I just broadcast feed BRS Reef Chilli 3x a week. I also feed the whole tank frozen food that I break into small pieces, so whatever corals catch is theirs.

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I use my fish butt holes lol i dont feed corals directly but i use turkey baster for blowing off corals so prib would use a turkey baster