The New Guy


New member
My name is Mike and I am a reefaholic. It all started two years ago when I decided to ditch my idea of a project car and spend the money on an aquarium. With help from a friend that has had a reef tank for many years and countless visits to see Jimmy at Exotic Aquatics in Highland, IN, I finally jumped in and got my tank going. My original plan was to do a FOWLER for the first year or so and then go full reef. I wanted to make sure that I could maintain the proper water parameters first before I started to add expensive corals. That went out the window with a visit to see Jimmy when I purchased my first zoa frag. I then started to do the necessary upgrades to my tank to get ready for the switch to reef. I tried a set of LED fixtures from China, but they did not last even a year. Learned a big lesson from that experience. Now I have a set of AI Vega's over the tank and could not be happier. It has been over a year and a half since I made the switch to reef and everything is going well. Here are the stats on my system. Any tips on keeping chalices would be appreciated as I am trying to add some to my tank.

75 gallon tank
Trigger Systems Ruby 30 Sump
Reef Octopus XS160 protein skimmer
Jebao RW-4 power heads
Eheim 1262 return pump
AI Vega LED fixture with UV an Violet added

Tomini Tang
Spotted Cheek Tang
Bicolor Blenny
McCoskers Flasher Wrasse
Tanaka Pygmy Wrasse
Purple Firefish
Green Mandarin
Yellow Assessor
Hi Mike, and welcome to your first meeting, today we would like to talk about pics ( pictures) without them this means nothing ️. Thanks for stopping bye.

Guess I need five posts before it will allow me to post pics.

Sorry, it's 5 posts before posting links. It's to prevent spammers from creating new accounts and immediately posting links. We can get you past 5 real quick. Add a couple replies with emoticons :D