Neebles 75 relcoated..


New member
Well, I have had my 75 up and running for a couple of months. We decided to start finishing the basement. I decided that when I block off our utility room/crawlspace, I might as well make a mini fish room of sorts. I built a spot for the 75g tank so its now in the wall... Im pretty happy with how it turned out. Its nice not having the big honking stand taking up space in the room...The wall ate up a bunch of space, but its a different feel than the stand. The ONLY thing im not 100% thrilled about is losing the views from the side of the tank. I have recently "fixed" that by adding a web cam behind the wall so I can catch a view from the side via my laptop. It works for me. The move itself was a pain in the butt. I had to relocate my livestock, rocks, etc to temporary housing so I could empty and clean the 75. It gave me the opportunity to set up my cad tank again to house my yellow headed jawfish, and yellow clown goby. This tank is now set up inside the fish room itself. I believe I am going to keep that tank up and running for the jaw, YCG and a couple of snails.

Moving the tank also gave me the opportunity to re-scape. This is one thing hat i dread doing because I am no good at it and usually lose patience. Im pretty satisfied with how the scape turned out, but if anyone has any suggestions feel free. It also gave me the opportunity to redo my plumbing...Im much happier with it this time around. Its nothing fancy, but I eliminated any 90 degree elbows I had before, and extended my drain pipe under the water to reduce noise and splashing.

I kept my rocks and sand alive while the move was taking place so I was able to reuse everything. The sand is only a couple months old, so I didnt feel it was necessary to dump it. I let the tank run for a while with everyone in their temporary housing. Everything tested out fine (i didnt expect a cycle) so this week I put everyone back in. Fish and inverts seem happy.....

I plan to add a gyre within the next few weeks to eliminate the use of my 2 pumps right now...

There is no coral in the tank as of right now. I do plan on adding some shortly...Thats another thing I am terrible at, which coral to use and where to locate it... If anyone has any suggestions on that front, again, PLEASE feel free to pass along suggestions for both coral and location in my tank...

Anyway enough rambling, here are a couple lousy cell phone shots of the tank...

Looks good and nice scape! What types of corals are you planning for your tank (Soft,LPS,SPS)?

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Looks good and nice scape! What types of corals are you planning for your tank (Soft,LPS,SPS)?

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Thanks! I'm not really sure what to stock actually. I have some frags I can put in there that are in my smaller tank, a few acans, duncan, toadstool, ric etc but I'm really not sure what I want. My big problem is not knowing where the most appropriate place to put the coral is, then I don't glue them and they usually end up doing lousy on my sand bed.

Again, any suggestions on coral and apecific placement is more than welcomed. I'm currently running a reefbreeders photon 48 about 9 inches above the water so my par should be sufficient for anything really. As far as flow, I have ok flow right now, nothing crazy but I will be replacing my powerheads with a gyre 130 within the next few weeks.
Thanks! I'm not really sure what to stock actually. I have some frags I can put in there that are in my smaller tank, a few acans, duncan, toadstool, ric etc but I'm really not sure what I want. My big problem is not knowing where the most appropriate place to put the coral is, then I don't glue them and they usually end up doing lousy on my sand bed.

Again, any suggestions on coral and apecific placement is more than welcomed. I'm currently running a reefbreeders photon 48 about 9 inches above the water so my par should be sufficient for anything really. As far as flow, I have ok flow right now, nothing crazy but I will be replacing my powerheads with a gyre 130 within the next few weeks.

I think those corals you have should be fine anywhere in the tank for the most part. If they are on plugs they come off pretty easy and you can place elsewhere if you see they are not doing well. I used to be concerned about placement too so I would just find the general description of the coral like lighting and flow and determine my placement from there. :beer:
I think those corals you have should be fine anywhere in the tank for the most part. If they are on plugs they come off pretty easy and you can place elsewhere if you see they are not doing well. I used to be concerned about placement too so I would just find the general description of the coral like lighting and flow and determine my placement from there. :beer:

Alright thanks..maybe I will pull a couple out of the nano and put them back into the 75. I've always wanted to try a Birdsnest, so perhaps I'll pick one of those up.
Added a couple easy corals yesterday...Some GSP, Devils hand Leather, and a purple monti.. Will probably add some acans and duncans from my smaller tank next week. Hoping to grab some zoas tomorrow as I have a spot I want to start a zoa garden. It was nice to add a little color to the tank. Looking to upgrade my skimmer in the next week or so.