Can anyone with patience and Comcast help with port forwarding?


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Apex Fusion and ip cam help needed....

I have an ip camera that I want to set up so I can view my tank while out of my home network. I have no idea how to properly set up port forwarding and what not....if someone can help me with a little step by step, that would be great.

Let me know what info you need. Thanks!!

Edit: I think I have the port forwarding going as I can see the cam feed from my phone. I need help now getting it going with apex fusion.
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I can try and help you out. What modem and router do you have? For the router specifically, I'd need the brand and model. If you have the one from comcast, I'd have to look into it a little more. But I'm willing to help.
I can try and help you out. What modem and router do you have? For the router specifically, I'd need the brand and model. If you have the one from comcast, I'd have to look into it a little more. But I'm willing to help.

Thank you! After working on it all morning I think I MAY have it up and running? I can view the cam on my phone now...I guess the real test will be once I get out of my home network.

I think what I may need now is an apex fusion expert.
Use this:

You install a program on your home PC and it will give an actual hostname to your IP address. Then when you access the software from your phone outside of wifi, you would use the url it gives you and it will forward it to your home network. As opposed to typing in an IP.
Use this:

You install a program on your home PC and it will give an actual hostname to your IP address. Then when you access the software from your phone outside of wifi, you would use the url it gives you and it will forward it to your home network. As opposed to typing in an IP.

Yeah I went through and got a ddns web address from them...that's how I'm able to access my cam through my phone. What is happening with fusion is Im not getting a picture..if I click "view" it brings me to the cameras web page and asks if I want to view using activeX, server push, or mobile phone. Once I click that I can see the cam. This is what is causing the cam viewer on the apex fusion dashboard to not show the cam feed. I'm not sure how to correct this.
Yeah I went through and got a ddns web address from them...that's how I'm able to access my cam through my phone. What is happening with fusion is Im not getting a picture..if I click "view" it brings me to the cameras web page and asks if I want to view using activeX, server push, or mobile phone. Once I click that I can see the cam. This is what is causing the cam viewer on the apex fusion dashboard to not show the cam feed. I'm not sure how to correct this.

That I can't help you with unfortunately. I don't have an Apex. But if you end up needing other networking help, that I can do.
Well, I got the apex up and running....sort of, I can view the camera feed OUTSIDE of my network, but not on my LAN :hypnotoad:
I have noticed the same thing with several of the cameras in my local club. My belief is that there is some sort of network protection scheme in effect preventing someone hopping from inside the network, outside then back in again.

As for the issue with fusion It sounds like you have a foscam camera. To get it to display in fusion you need to include your log in information in the address you use.

Go to your apex fusion setup for the camera and put in:

http://webaddress::port/videostream.cgi?user=yourusername &pwd=yourpassword

So it should look something like this

Don (drdavis)
Don Davis
220 Gallon Mixed Reef & 60 Gallon Seahorse Tank
With Dual Basement Sumps
I have noticed the same thing with several of the cameras in my local club. My belief is that there is some sort of network protection scheme in effect preventing someone hopping from inside the network, outside then back in again.

It wouldn't be a security scheme. If it's truly not a local configuration error, the isp router or switch on the other end of the modem isn't configured to send the traffic back.
Yeah I can see it in fusion on anyone else's network but mine lol. Not a big deal, but it would be nice to figure out