Well, what size tank did you get? Let's hear about it.
Sorry, I keep forgetting to reply to this.
I bought a 75 gallon DT with a 30 gallon sump. Custom stand with hood. I also have a Photon 48 for lighting, a vertex 130 skimmer, about 50 pounds of dry rock (I'll get the live rock after the tank has been tested for leaks)...
I stopped by Sho Tank last night on my way home from work. There were a lot of people there and I had to get home -- so I didn't have a chance to ask Matt if it was completely done. It LOOKS like it is done to me! He had it set up, everything was painted, the sump had been assembled... It looks complete to me!
My current plan is:
Take the tank home either tomorrow or this weekend. (If it is done then tomorrow.)
Add three layers of black spray paint to the back of the DT.
Setup the tank in the house.
Add fresh water.
Wait 24 hours -- checking for leaks.
Add salt.
Wait a couple more days and check parameters.
If everything looks good, add live rock.
Wait several weeks, testing parameters, possibly adding additional live rock along the way.
During this time, I may purchase a pair of ocellaris clownfish and keep them in my QT tanks. I will use TTM, so the QT tanks won't need to be cycled.
After the tank has cycled, add dry rock, substrate, wait for the water to clear if the substrate makes a cloudy mess, and then bring the clowns over to their new home.
Then every month or so, bring additional fish and corals through QT and into the DT until stocked.
A few months in, add macro algae to the refugium and stock it with pods.
As necessary, add a CUC. (eg, if I am having a problem with pests then buy the snail/shrimp/whatever that eats that pest)
After a year, if the pod levels look good, get a mandy -- my dream fish.
Currently, my plan is to stock the tank with:
Ocellaris Clownfish x2
One Spot Foxface
Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse or Whip Fin Fairy Wrasse
Starcki Damselfish
Mandarin Dragonet (after the tank has been running a year)
Starburst Polyp
Cauliflower Colt Coral
Toadstool Mushroom Leather
Open Brain Coral