SPS corals do not seem happy. PLEASE HELP

Calibration solution arrived late yesterday. I was able to calibrate my ATC Refractometer to 1.026 with the solution. Turns out my salinity is at 1.022 and NOT 1.025 as i thought. I started topping off with a fresh batch of saltwater at 1.025.
Calibration solution arrived late yesterday. I was able to calibrate my ATC Refractometer to 1.026 with the solution. Turns out my salinity is at 1.022 and NOT 1.025 as i thought. I started topping off with a fresh batch of saltwater at 1.025.

That's not a big deal, I'd be worried there's something else is wrong.
Personally, if there's no recession of the skin and the colors are fine and your millis have extension, I wouldn't worry about.

I have a display tank hooked up to my frag tank. The acros in my display tank definitely have less polyp extension than in my frag tank. Since the water is the same in both, the difference can only be the flow, lighting or the fish are nipping.

I've had acros for nearly 15 years now and I've found that some things just aren't worth worrying about. Polyp extension is one of those things for me.
How so? I know i dont use the best test kits in the world (and i'm going to purchase Salifert next as soon as my wallet replenishes lol) but I'm not sure where else to go with it.

I have a bunch of Salifert kits I want to sell as I don't have my tank up anymore. I always thought they were the most reliable and easiest to use. I have a calcium, magnesium, alkalinity x2 kits, iodine, phosphate, and nitrate. If you're interested shoot me a pm.
Personally, if there's no recession of the skin and the colors are fine and your millis have extension, I wouldn't worry about.

I have a display tank hooked up to my frag tank. The acros in my display tank definitely have less polyp extension than in my frag tank. Since the water is the same in both, the difference can only be the flow, lighting or the fish are nipping.

I've had acros for nearly 15 years now and I've found that some things just aren't worth worrying about. Polyp extension is one of those things for me.

I have 2 across that are doing fine with color. Another that has gone white on me with shades of color on it. My milli looks good but is not extending.

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I have 2 across that are doing fine with color. Another that has gone white on me with shades of color on it. My milli looks good but is not extending.
Well, a white SPS is usually not a good thing. If you have a magnifying glass, check if there are even any polyps left.
Personally, if there's no recession of the skin and the colors are fine and your millis have extension, I wouldn't worry about.

I have a display tank hooked up to my frag tank. The acros in my display tank definitely have less polyp extension than in my frag tank. Since the water is the same in both, the difference can only be the flow, lighting or the fish are nipping.

I've had acros for nearly 15 years now and I've found that some things just aren't worth worrying about. Polyp extension is one of those things for me.

Not to derail this thread, but how do you have your frag and DT hooked up? I'm looking to do the same thing with water from my DT pumped to the frag tank.
Not to derail this thread, but how do you have your frag and DT hooked up? I'm looking to do the same thing with water from my DT pumped to the frag tank.

Both the DT and frag tank share the same sump. I have one pump in there and a PVC Tee to direct the water to both tanks. I have valves after the tee to regulate the amount of water entering each tank.
Well last weeks storms didn't help. I lost power while at work and I know that when power kicked back on my skimmer turned on before my return pump. The return pump ramps up slowly. So the skimmer overflowed all the nasty stuff into the sump. I did a 20% water change but I'm afraid that was too late. All of my acros turned white and lost the flesh. The only sps to make it was my monti cap and blue digi. I also had my torches heads melt away except for one . All my Params are now in check so hopefully I won't have any more casualties. After testing with the Red Sea kit, my alk is at 12dkh, calcium is 480ppm, and mag is 1340ppm

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Sorry to hear it....power outages are a huge hassle!

One of my favorite features of a controller is the ability to define the sequence things turn on.
On my Apex I have both "power on" and the "feed button" set so the skimmer waits 3min before turning on. That combined with the Avast Davy Jones locker and ATO to keep the water level consistent has eliminated my skimmer level battles.
Sorry to hear it....power outages are a huge hassle!

One of my favorite features of a controller is the ability to define the sequence things turn on.
On my Apex I have both "power on" and the "feed button" set so the skimmer waits 3min before turning on. That combined with the Avast Davy Jones locker and ATO to keep the water level consistent has eliminated my skimmer level battles.

What are your Apex settings to have your skimmer delay 3 min?

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Here's the Apex code I'm using for my Skimmer:

Fallback OFF
Set ON
If Sw2 OPEN Then OFF <<< This turns off the skimmer when the skimmate container is full
If FeedA 030 Then OFF <<< This is a 30min sleep for when I do water changes
If FeedD 005 Then OFF <<< This is a 5min sleep for when I add aminos and stuff to feed corals
Defer 003:00 Then ON <<< This is the "delay" statement that has it come on 3min after "ON"​

Note the "<<<" and the notes to the right are not in the code :)
So if I just add "Defer 003:00 Then ON" to the end of my advanced settings I should be gtg. Tks.
Guessing you have a float on sw2?
The Avast Davy Jones Locker comes with a pressure switch that I have wired into SW2 of the Apex breakout box...which senses when the container is near full and shuts off the skimmer. No moving parts :)

View attachment 11941

Using an external container for skimmate avoids overflowing skimmate back into your sump when the cup is full. As well as it limits the amount that can be overflowed/collected when you forget to turn off the skimmer before epoxying some frags, (dosing aminos, or whatever) and it inadvertently goes WILD :banghead:
Nice. I just bought the Avast ATO and Kalk stirrer. I should probably pick up a locker but have a small footprint under my DT. Maybe one day.
I was looking at the kalk stirrer as well (its nice), but ended up spending the money on the Barrel Tender instead...and I just put the kalk directly in the ATO chamber.

Since my ATO chamber is only 2 to 3 days in size, the Barrel Tender will refill it (directly from the RODI) "regularly" and stir it up in the process :megaman:

Best part is this (and the Davy Jones locker) shifted my required maintenance from every 2 or 3 days to monthly (empty skimmate, reload kalk, & 20% water change) :rock: :rock: :rock:

BTW, did ajreefer721 ever figure out why the SPS were not happy?????
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