Hello and welcome to the site...glad to have you aboard. Beautiful looking tank you have.
Jrpark22000 hiiii lol I know I'm using my phone so when I load a pic by the time it gets to my profile it flips ��. About 1 1/2 years upgraded. How are you ? And how do u like this site ?
Oh yea i have no clue how tapatalk works im very far behind on technology i have a iphone 6 but they r only as smart as the user is lol so it might as well be a rotary phoneMadjoeI'm using tapatalk so it's all good ... And this for the secret
I won't tell a soul hahaha
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh yea i have no clue how tapatalk works im very far behind on technology i have a iphone 6 but they r only as smart as the user is lol so it might as well be a rotary phone
Welcome to the site and great tank! Great group here!