hello every one


Premium member
hey guys how goes it, I am newer to the Hobby have been in. it for about 8 months or so now . I have a 37 gallon fluva tank it's got about 45 lbs of live rock in it, it's a mixed reef tank , I have two 20 inch rapid leds and 3 32inch t5s for lighting and that's about all I can say for it not much trying to save some cash to upgrade to a 120 soon
Welcome to the site and hobby! One thing you will learn quickly is that we love pictures! So take some pics and show us your little slice of the ocean!

There is a ton of info on this site. Search the threads and forum and interact with members. This really is a great community and you will feel welcomed. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you can't find answers through search. My best advice for the hobby is to take it slow. Your tank will teach you alot.
thanks for all the welcomes I am trying to figure out how to put pictures hope I can have do up later today
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