Open brain coral dying

So i figured out what happened to the open brain. I have a camera pointed at the tank and after reviewing the video: it was physically damaged by accident. I was moving rocks around and from the angle i was working i didn't see that i nicked the coral. So I'm at fault here:( lesson learned, move everything out of the way before doing anything.
So i figured out what happened to the open brain. I have a camera pointed at the tank and after reviewing the video: it was physically damaged by accident. I was moving rocks around and from the angle i was working i didn't see that i nicked the coral. So I'm at fault here:( lesson learned, move everything out of the way before doing anything.

I think that lighting may be a bigger concern than physical damage to the coral. as long as the water chemistry is in check (which yours may well not be), corals are pretty tough. our hobby is pretty much based on fragging corals as a primary means of reproduction. You should really try to post some pics of this thing so we can see exactly why you think its circling the drain. is it bleached or maybe turning brown? is the tissue receding or is it closed up? after all that and some pics it is a lot easier to help. If in fact your coral is deteriorating due to less than ideal conditions it is my opinion that you could probably find someone near you to take care of it until you have the propper equipment. This is a great place to look for help, local folks sharing the same nerdy curiosity. Anyone here will be glad to help.
I think that lighting may be a bigger concern than physical damage to the coral. as long as the water chemistry is in check (which yours may well not be), corals are pretty tough. our hobby is pretty much based on fragging corals as a primary means of reproduction. You should really try to post some pics of this thing so we can see exactly why you think its circling the drain. is it bleached or maybe turning brown? is the tissue receding or is it closed up? after all that and some pics it is a lot easier to help. If in fact your coral is deteriorating due to less than ideal conditions it is my opinion that you could probably find someone near you to take care of it until you have the propper equipment. This is a great place to look for help, local folks sharing the same nerdy curiosity. Anyone here will be glad to help.

There is no brown on the coral. It just receded a lot. My water chem was all out of wack for a while so that contributed to the problem. I fixed the water over a period of 1 month and the coral looked like it was slowly growing back. 2 days ago it looked like it was going to die. After work i looked at it and half of its mouth was gone. From what I understand if the mouth starts to deteriorate it is almost impossible to save it. I moved it to very low flow area and tried to give it some pellets but it just didn't respond. It is not bleached, it has retained all of its color, the colors look like what the did when it was still in the store that I bought it from. The light situation i will try to remedy, but that will take me a while, my budget for the tank is pretty depleted at the moment:( At the rate it was going yesterday I'm pretty sure it will be dead by the time i get home:(