Fantasy Football 2015

What days would you prefer for the draft? Keep in mind Monday is a holiday.

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It didn't let me pick 8 pm. It only allowed 7:45 or 8:30. I figured 30 minutes later was better than 15 minutes earlier for anybody that may be stuck in traffic or just not settled in by 7:45.

So 8:30 pm tonight everyone! Good luck.

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Hey just noticed on the Yahoo app it shows that only 10/12 teams joined. Do 2 more still need to join? Just making sure cuz I know some fantasy sites lock you out of the draft if you don't have enough teams.

Good luck with the draft everyone!
Hey just noticed on the Yahoo app it shows that only 10/12 teams joined. Do 2 more still need to join? Just making sure cuz I know some fantasy sites lock you out of the draft if you don't have enough teams.

Good luck with the draft everyone!

Good catch! I didn't think it would lock us out but I double checked after reading your note and you were right. I changed the league maximum amount of teams from 12 to 10 just so everyone knows.

6 hours exactly everyone!
So what time is the draft exactly? I got volunteered to move my son's babysitter so I need to know what time to take a break and draft
So I missed the draft as you guys probably noticed lol

I was all set, ready to go. Even had my notebook and gameplan ready on my desk. Around 5 pm, work called me and we had an emergency. Duty called and I didn't get done until late last night. Alot of phone time and back and forth.

Anyways, I know others had to autodraft so I don't feel bad. At least they weren't alone! I also chalk it up as karma for starting the league late. We are getting better though! It is going to be a great season and I am looking forward to it.

I definitely want to meet up for a few games. At least 4 or so. There are alot of great places we can watch at.
Hey guys, just in case you haven't noticed, the scores on yahoo are currently all screwed up. All 3 yahoo leagues i am in are messed up. Hopefully they fix it.

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