sps name please


Premium member
I got this sps about 3 months ago as a freshman frag and it was red when I got it, it is now in crusting over the glue on the plug and is starting to change colors it for whiteish/green tips it's redish/pink and there is like a neon green starting to come in on it as well View attachment 13499
Milli of some kind. Almost impossible to tell if it's a named coral, and if you can't confirm lineage, is just a generic milli. Not saying that's bad, it just doesn't have a name.
Milli of some kind. Almost impossible to tell if it's a named coral, and if you can't confirm lineage, is just a generic milli. Not saying that's bad, it just doesn't have a name.

all I know is I got it from reefwise about 2 months ago for some reason I wanna say it's a red planet but I don't reamber them having green in them I am probably totally wrong
The best thing is always to ask whom you recieved the coral from. Most likely if you got it from Brian/Reefwise it was a maricultured coral unless it came on one of the large black ORA frag plugs. If it's maricultured, it's only name is the species, unless the seller named it themselves.