I use the WXM and my APEX is located with my sump in the basement. I'd guess the range it is communicating to be ~25ft to the display tank.
I like being able to setup different flow patterns (and intensities) for different parts of the day, to match my lights and "flushing" after feeding
View attachment 13590
I have it for my Radions. The WXM has to be on the Neptune bus via USB and then connects to the Vortechs via RF. I would suggest connecting the WXM via USB as close to where your pumps are as possible (in canopy if you have one, in back of tank on wall, etc). You can get custom USB cables made if you need something longer than 15' otherwise the 15' Monoprice ones are fine.
Who use WXM module here? is it easy setup?
My main router up on the 2nd floor, the Apex and WXM will be down in the basement can the WXM will wireless to the router?
(just mention, there is no wire connect to upstair router)
I am confuse here..help..
It almost sounds like you want to connect the apex to the Internet via wireless, the wxm will NOT do this. It's purely for connecting to vortechs and radions to the apex system. If you want to connect the apex to the Internet you'll have to get a wireless gaming adaptor like this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B002...ng+adaptor&dpPl=1&dpID=41wmBBp3CbL&ref=plSrch
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It almost sounds like you want to connect the apex to the Internet via wireless, the wxm will NOT do this. It's purely for connecting to vortechs and radions to the apex system. If you want to connect the apex to the Internet you'll have to get a wireless gaming adaptor like this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B002...ng+adaptor&dpPl=1&dpID=41wmBBp3CbL&ref=plSrch
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You'll need to get the fusion token working, I had to do a full reset with my apex to get it working, I didn't have anything programmed yet so I lost nothing. You can save out your configuration from the classic webpage before you do this. Neptunes email support is really great for things like this. I had troubles with something else and thy were able to log on to my computer and fix the issue in no time!
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Don't forget to update the apex to the latestest firmware if you haven't and back it up.