First post

Fish Wrangler

New member
Heard about this at Aquatic Experience Chicago and decided to join. I have a 75 gallon reef that has been set up since June of 2015.

Fish- 1 yellow tang, 1 pink spotted watchman goby, 1 male mccosker flasher wrasse, 2 percula clownfish, and 2 ocellaris clownfish.

Inverts- 2 astraea turbo snails, some zebra hermit crabs, some blue-legged hermit crabs, 1 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp, 1 tiger pistol shrimp(paired with the goby). I'm going to an lfs tomorrow for either another scarlet skunk or a few peppermint shrimp

Coral-1 kenya tree, 1 umbrella xenia, 1 duncan, and 1 neon green sinularia

1 jebao rw-8, a eshopps WD-75 trickle filter with Rio 1700 pump, a eshopps snowcone125 skimmer, and a marineland magnum 350 canister make up my filtration/water movement

Lighting-fluval quad t5HO with moonlight fixture. 1 actinic bulb, 2 6500k bulbs, and 1 18,000k bulb. Running 7am-9pm
Thanks everyone. I'm really happy I got rid of the hair algae. I still see a few tufts of it, but the tang has to eat something right.