So this is where all the Chicago people are....


New member
I finally decide to start reading the forums again and there's nobody there!!

I didn't leave the hobby but I wasn't active either. All it took was a retro LED kit in my long suffering BC8 to help me remember why I started this hobby in the first place. It's been a week and my OCD is in full swing! I've been researching a bigger tank and lights, and livestock, and......

Anyway, happy to see some names I recognize.
Welcome back to the forum Jeff. Yep, you found them, many of the old timers are still here, they just don't post much. You can always use the "@" sign in fron of their username to call them into a thread, example [MENTION=1277]jrpark22000[/MENTION]

You have to love it when a hobby and OCD actually get along allowing you to geek out on a topic.
Welcome back to the forum Jeff. Yep, you found them, many of the old timers are still here, they just don't post much. You can always use the "@" sign in fron of their username to call them into a thread, example [MENTION=1277]jrpark22000[/MENTION]

You have to love it when a hobby and OCD actually get along allowing you to geek out on a topic.

...yea. i failed with the @ attempt.

Well. New to the forum. Not to the hobby.
So welcome back as well.
Yeah, it's pretty cool, I'm reading about all the new tech and all I'm thinking is....."I remember when..."

I've had LED's up and running on my tank for less than a week now. Between the storm controller and no heat to speak of I'm totally in love. The crazy amount of light and colors is one great bonus.

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