DJE's WYSIWYG Amazing SPS frag pack Giveaway!!


Premium member
I can't be any happier to announce this giveaway hosted on CR, but offered by the great [MENTION=171]DJE[/MENTION]. If you missed his tank being the featured reef on CR, take a look here;

This giveaway is for the Christmas time and New Years holidays and is for the PREMIUM members on ChicagoReefs. If you are not a member, you can join using this link (CLICK ME)

This giveaway is for the following WYSIWYG coral frags from DJEs tank.
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Second/Back Row:
LE RR Yellow Flaming Acro
WCR DJE Green Millie
Vivid Rainbow Delight
Poletti's Yellow Tip Austera
WWC Somewhere Over the Rainbow
WCR DJE Dirty Hairy

First/Front Row:
DFS Real Deal Echinata
WCR DJE French B
WCR DJE Rainbow
PC Ice and Fire ( ProCorals Sanjay Harajly)

In order to qualify for this giveaway:

1. Be a ChicagoReefs Premium member (at the close of the giveaway) If you are not a member, you can join using this link (CLICK ME)
2. Start a thread in the "Member's Reef tank" forum or update your existing thread between now and the drawing date OR start a new informative thread on anything Reef related (Examples include; Educational/Informative thread, LFS review, Product review, Fish or coral profile)
3. Post on this thread once you have 1 and 2 checked off.

Winner will be announced on January 15th!
Good luck everyone!
pickup of the frag pack will be arranged after the giveaway ends with DJE. Frag pack Pickup will be in Portage Park 60634.

PLEASE be ready to make a drive if you win the frag pack, DJE is being great to offer this giveaway, let's not ask him to deliver it too :D
Super generous! I'm running low on real estate, but I could fit these gems in somewhere.

Also, if I were to win this, I'll trim some of my nicer acros and do a similar giveaway here.
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I would just say please have ability to keep these alive if u going to enter

Whle I agree to an extent, please don't be afraid to enter as you may not have a perfect tank. We've all killed stuff, it's part of the hobby. I'd rephrase this to be please avoid putting these into a tank that you know will not be able to keep them alive.
Whle I agree to an extent, please don't be afraid to enter as you may not have a perfect tank. We've all killed stuff, it's part of the hobby. I'd rephrase this to be please avoid putting these into a tank that you know will not be able to keep them alive.

Whont whont whont whon