Is it at 7 Or 4? Trying to decide if I can make it or not.
Is it at 7 Or 4? Trying to decide if I can make it or not.
The actual Holiday Party starts at 7, since that is when the store closes. Not sure why it states it starts at 4, but the actual party starts at 7. If you want to show up at 4 go for it, but the store will still be open to the public at that time.
On facebook it says the party is open to the public?
I think he told me all are welcom to the party....
Then how that a cr party
Then how that a cr party
There will be a chance for new reefers know CR and may be they join us later...I want more people to come who didn't know CR..Did you see lot of new members lately?
I meet new people all the time one just left my house 2min ago i make friends easily