Green slimer not greens

I'd say if it is darker (more brown) than it is supposed to be, you've heavy on nutrients or not enough light, or both. If it is lighter/dull, your light is too bright or your tank is too clean.

Not always the case, but in my experience, this holds true most of the time.
I dont think light is a problem. Might be nutrients. I just changed the gfo so we will see how that goes. I need to get a good po4 test kit. What do you suggest?
You'll like it. You just have to be pretty quick with step two after you put the powder in. You have to shake it to dissolve the powder and get the air bubbles out before two minutes.

Cool. I picked up hanna alk and i like it alot, so im pretty sure I'm going to like phosphate one also
I have the hannah phosphate checker not the ulr. I don't care for it. I will test the same sample 4 times and usually get different readings. I have the alk and cal checkers but haven't used them yet.
I use the Hanna phosphorous checker which is supposed to be their ULR phosphate test. I get pretty consistent readings, never reads 0 even though I run gfo and grow chaeto.

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You may have too high of nitrates. What this does, is over-feed the (brown) zoanthella on the coral, which causes them to turn a deeper brownish color. Coral actually have a delicate back-and-fourth cycle with their zoanthella which, when disturbed, causes a shift in appearance (or health!)

--Aspiring reefer