Zoanthid shipping problem


Premium member
So I reluctantly shipped out a colony of my clementine zoanthids to a person willing to pay a very fair price in Virginia. After waiting an entire week for the weather down there to normalize I finally shipped the package yesterday at 3pm with overnight shipping cutoff being 515pm I thought I left plenty of time for the sorting facility to get my package there by 12pm today as they promised it would be. Anyways the package is showing that it is still sitting in the chicago hub sorting facility and has not even left the chicago area.

Im pretty upset about the whole thing but I was wondering if anyone has had experience in shipping zoanthids across the country, what mailing service do you use? how long of a delivery time have zoanthids shown up still alive; 1,2,3,4 days?

I packaged the colony very well IMO. I put the zoas in a bag with tank water took that bag and placed it in a urinal collection cup also filled with water, took that collection cup (that is leak proof) and placed that inside another bag of water. Took that bag put it in a styrofoam cooler with styrofoam packaging surrounding it nd placed two heat packs on top of the styrofoam shut the styrofoam cooler and placed it in a shipping box and sent it on its way.

The zoas have been out of my tank for a total of 31 hours now and are still sitting (for some reason) at the chicago sorting facility. Do you guys think they will be ok?

All comments welcome!!!
Zoanthids are typically very hardy. I had someone give me a frag and left it in their car while they were at work.. In winter.. The water was frigid to say the least by the time I got them. Slowly raised temp and they ended up being fine.

As for the shipping company, I would be livid and on the phone with someone giving them an earful. Hope everything turns out alright.

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Zoanthids are typically very hardy. I had someone give me a frag and left it in their car while they were at work.. In winter.. The water was frigid to say the least by the time I got them. Slowly raised temp and they ended up being fine.

As for the shipping company, I would be livid and on the phone with someone giving them an earful. Hope everything turns out alright.

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I will be very aggressive tomorrow in trying to get some compensation if the zoas show up dead but sometimes i feel like its hard to be mean or livid at someone when I know when it comes down to it, that it most likely wasn't really that persons fault but most likely someone else or the company as a whole.

Thanks for the comment though it made me feel a little better knowing they can recover from prolonged low temperature exposure!
well zoanthids are normally hardy but My clementines in particular arent soo much .. sorry to say ..if its already been 31 hours and it means they wont reach destination for another 12 hours or so .. adding up about 45 hours total .. heatpacks last about 20-24 hours if they say 40 on the packet .. so chances are slim

Fedex is the service i use and as long as they dont say its a weather related issue they will compensate for the insured amount. once they claim its a weather issue they wont give a rats ass.

Good Luck .
DON'T PANIC! Shit happens, typically in the winters is when there's shipping issue. I used almost all carriers and no one is perfect, I've had issue with all of them as a buyer or seller. However i choose to use FedEx as my carrier. I've shipped livestock and had delays in the past, an d recently. It sound you packed your zoa perfectly. As other members mention zoa are hardy. Most importantly be positive and keep your customer in a good frame of mine. Hope all goes well.

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