Darienreefs New 190 Mixed Reef

Nice fish collection. That is some fluorescent green algae! What's your PO4 like?
No clue. I'll have to whip out the Hanna soon. I have GFO and the fuge running so hopefully it should be going down wherever it is at.

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Going to let the system run for a few weeks, get parameters stable and let all the fish settle in. Going to build a floating Canopy for the T247s with some T5. Then I will start adding coral and putting Kalk in the ATO. Going to be heading towards the SPS direction going to try to go through more members here. All fish are doing great!

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Could may well be cyano. It's on the sand as well so definitely could be. I really don't want to use chemi-clean bc of the amount of fish I have and it would require me to turn off the skimmer. Any suggestions?

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no, i'm actually a huge fan of Chemiclean and i always keep a bottle in hand...in fact, whenever i make new saltwater, i add a little bit of chemiclean in there and it keeps cyano away...the only issues ive ever seen is if too much is added my skimmer goes nuts
I've ran chemi clean a few time with no ill effect. It does make your skimmer go crazy, but just take cup off for a day and then put it back on. No harm done. Not sure it will cure your problem, but no harm in trying.
Alright sounds like the best idea is to throw some in. I'll start off small and work my way up to the proper dose. Will turn off the reactor and keep an eye on the skimmer

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Seems like the crash deleted some of my posts. Well if anybody was following I was dealing with Velvet. So far in a span of 3 days I lost 2 fairy wrasses, harlequin tusk, blue throat trigger, a few chromis, and sailfin tang. As of yesterday I put the clowns in a 20g QT with a little bit of cupramine. I understand that it may not be the safest way to treat but at this point why not give them a fighting chance. I'm going to set up 2 additional 26g bins 1 for wrasses 1 for the rest of the fish. I will treat the wrasses without copper, and the other with copper. I will let the tank run fallow for 72 days with UV and keep this tank going. It's very unfortunate this had to happen but this is exactly what I had coming. I didn't take the precautions to QT in the first place and this ended up in a total tank infection. Let my failures be a lesson to everyone and show the importance of Quarantine. Updates to come.

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Lost all but 3 fish. Done with fish but may eventually restock the tank with coral. Expect to see a huge sale soon, getting rid of a lot of stuff.

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Wow that really sucks. Seems like everyone is getting hit with disease lately. Makes me not want to buy any new fish

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The quality of fish right now is quite poor the wholesalers are ravaged with velvet and Ich. I just went through a velvet battle. Lost 3 Angels and tang. QT is an absolute must nowadays.

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