Looks good Ted. Just stop moving every six months and those corals will be bumping into each other in no time.
This tank keeps getting better and better every update , keep it up Ted
love the closeups man...it's crazy you don't even need to use macro lenses...colors are spectacular too
Thanks! It's just the kit lens. I think I just got lucky with the depth of my tank and the height of the aquascape. All of these photos are taken from above the water surface with no viewing box.
No magnifying lenses or extension tubes to shorten the focal length? Is it something like a 30mm lense?
18-55 Cannon Kit lens on a Cannon EOS T3i. No other equipment. Photos are cropped in iPhoto and occasionally I'll play with brightness/exposure but that's the only processing that ever gets done.
Ah! Cropping in a larger photo makes sense. I only have a 14mm pancake lens and a 50-175mm. The pancake is too wide and the zoom has too long of a focal length. It's only good for macros with extension tubes of course. I need something in that 20-50 range.
Tip for the Canon while shooting stock:
Go to the live mode on the LCD, then use the magnifier button to get as zoomed as possible before using manual focus. This is what I can do with the stock lens and no editing whatsoever:
- Ben
Is that 175gal.?
Looks good..better price than Red Sea Pro..what's diference from the probiotic one?