Finally back at it!


New member
Hey guys, it's been a long time since I've been on here since we moved into our new home. Before the move, I had a 60 gallon cube that I sold and downsized to a 30 gal to hold what I didn't sell. We built our new home and I had dedicated outlets and a breaker put in specifically for the tank. (Explaining that to the builder was fun) Once we moved in I left the 30 set up until I had time to set up everything. Well around Christmas I got a call from my wife saying everything was dead!?! She said all the fish but my onyx nebula Picasso clowns were belly up. My heater was the culprit frying the tank to 94 degrees. I lost my juvi tomini tang, starry blenny, flame angel and my favorite fish that I had for years, a super male radiant wrasse. That made me put everything on hold for awhile.

Now to the new tank. Its being lit by 2 maxspect razor 16k 120's, 2-mp 10wes, a bubble magus curve 7 skimmer and finnex 300 titanium heater with controller. I'm also using the smart ato.
There's a mixture of about 120 pounds of live rock with Tonga branch, "real reef rock" and pukani. I plan on making another sump using a 20 long and incorporating a r/o section for top off. For livestock right now I only have the 2 nebula clowns and a starry blenny. I wish I could find another radiant wrasse! (Any leads on where to find one greatly appreciated) For coral it's a mixed reef, I have 3 kinds of candy cane, 3 different frogspawn, various shrooms, Xenia for movement, one rota, LOTS OF KEDS REDS zoas, a devils hand leather and 3 Rock nems. Other Inverts include a golf ball sized electric blue knuckle hermit, 3 peppermint shrimp, 2 fighting conch, a handful of nerites and a Dalmatian linka starfish. Sorry for the bad quality pics I just used my iPad. It's far from complete But it's a start.[/INDENT][/FONT][/COLOR]
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Ok so ? For clown owners. My onyx nebula Picasso pair never leave the top corner of my tank. They did it in my old cube, 30 gallon and now 65. They will leave to feed then immediately go back. How can I get them to at least explore or move. Their dorsal fin actually stick out of the water they stay up in the corner.
I also purchased a female melanarus wrasse last week and plan on getting a blue star leopard wrasse since I can't find a radiant :a17:
Ok I have a ? Is there any way to get rid of astrea starfish or what ever they're called besides getting a harlequin shrimp? I don't want to lose my linka.
Ok I have a ? Is there any way to get rid of astrea starfish or what ever they're called besides getting a harlequin shrimp? I don't want to lose my linka.

Manual removal. It stinks, but go after them a little every day and you should be able to reduce a large population pretty quickly.