If you had to pick one SPS Vendor


Well-known member
What are your guys' preferred sources for high end SPS? My current problem is that I like pieces from Battlecorals, TCK, SC, RMF, etc. but only have room for maybe half a dozen pieces. And it just seems silly to buy one piece from one place, another from a different vendor and paying so much in shipping.

So if you had to pick one which would it be? Why does there have to be so many awesome sticks?! I should have just gone with a 220 then I wouldn't be in this predicament for at least another year!

I think at the moment a TCK Pikachu, SC Orange Passion, JF Flame, and WD Tenius are must haves.

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Id say rmf of the ones you mentioned :)

His pieces are somewhat hardy and nicely colored :) imo ofcourse

Hung [MENTION=760]coral reeftank[/MENTION] has em all

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And to motivate you more ;) some pic i grabbed from r2r the one on left is the wd


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Go to Hung Coralreeftank, he has all the Rmf, BC, RR and more. Only he doesn't have is WD. No need to pay shipping and price is good too.

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If u want the WD ask porkchopexpress he may has frag for u.
Here we go...

lol, i just said i have them, doesn't mean i have any for sale ;)

but you're right, i my WD has grown into a respectable mini-colony and i can cut off a few branches here and there

i'm actually trying to get my tank recovered after an alk spike a week or so back...i ended up getting the flu from my daughter at which point for a few days i barely had energy to maintain the tank...it got neglected, alk spiked, and a few sps started to fade...what sucks is my RRA Ultimate Orange Passion was finally colored up and that began to STN i lost a good half of my RRA Wolverine...had to frag them to save them ...but now i'm back to work and tank is starting to get its colors back
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I'll back the Hung recommendation. He's got all of the good stuff.

If you want to get a lot of nice frags for a decent price, Adam at BC is really easy to work with. He definitely gives big discounts when buying multiple items. He's also somewhat local (Just across the WI border) and you might be able to take a drive to pick up the stuff. By the way, he has much more than just his BC signature corals....he has all of the classics too. I've been to his house twice an both times, walked out with way more than I had agreed to pay for.

Every acro in my tank is from Hung, BC, Menard, and one frag I got from Porkchop.....which is beginning to color up:woohoo:
Hung has so many to offer and he's not far. I recently bought a very nice sps pack from him and some if you are willing to drop some coin he'll take care of you. GL
yup i agree, i would say a good 25% of my high ends (mostly RR and RMF) are from Hung as well...the rest i usually go straight to the source - JF, TCK, WWC, and Cherry Corals namely just to avoid any lineage issues...only a very few of my corals (mostly no name LPS and NPS) are from other vendors like AquaSD, Joe Knows Reefs, Unique Corals, and even fewer are from individuals
You usually do saturdays that way right?

Depending on what time. Or plan for the next if ya can ill txt ya for a list of whats available.

Ps. I like sand. Sand is squishy
Thanks for all the heads up guys. I'll have to reach out to Hung soon here. Whenever I'm free to head into the city I'll be hitting you up Sawdonkey!

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