Homemade new acrylic cover for Oceanic Biocube 29.


Well, in case you were not aware, you CANNOT get replacement light covers for any Oceanic Biocube, since they re-branded them Coralife they no longer make them and the Coralife's covers do not fit Oceanics. That put me in a little bit of a quandary, because the cover I have looks like it was in a driveby:

So, I went to nano-reef.com and found a build by jcreefer, and modified by Water Dog http://www.nano-reef.com/topic/324456-diy-bc29-or-any-aio-splash-guard-replacement/. So, I went to Tap Plastics and priced it out: $80!!! I was disheartened to say the least, that is about half the price of a brand new light fixture, so I was a little upset. Then trackfast suggested going to Ace. So, I called Ace not only did they have acrylic, but they cut it to size for free (probably should have mentioned, unlike many of you, I am not handy), so I was feeling more positive again. I figured I would need 2 sheets and it would be about $40 in acrylic. The guy was really cool, cut it to size and only charged me for the amount used, not amount cut from, so it only cost me $13.99 + $1.50 for new screws. Only problem, Ace doesn't sell acrylic glue or even really know what it is. wildisme, looked into it and told me to get weld-on 4, so I found weld-on 4, applicator, and needle for $9.99. I also ordered a acrylic drill bit for $10. Total for project is a little more than $35.

For my first time welding acrylic, I think I did a fairly decent job:

Now, I just have to drill the holes and route out a spot in the bag for my wires. Wish me luck.

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WOW... Looks so much better than what you had before!! I bet your corals will be happy!!

How did you like working with acrylic? Was it easy to glue together?
WOW... Looks so much better than what you had before!! I bet your corals will be happy!!

How did you like working with acrylic? Was it easy to glue together?

Thank you very much, everything is getting a nice tan now.

Working with acrylic was different. It is not actually a glue, it is a solvent. So, what it does is it dissolves/melts the plastic and the 2 sides/edges solidify into one piece. Then, as it hardens it is one solid piece, and since there are no real seams, it will not come apart. It was tricky to work with, because the cuts from ACE were not routed, so they were not perfect, but I figured it out. I would do it again in a heartbeat. And, if I can do it, anyone can, LOL. :happy_bounce: