IM 20g LPS Dominant Tank


Well-known member

2 Ora Yellow Watchman Gobies with Pistol Shrimp
1 Ora Cardinal Fish
2 Ora Spotcinctus Clownfish

Macro Algae:
Shaving Brush (Penicillus dumetosus)
Red Gracilaria
Mermaids fan
Halimeda Monile

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how long has it been up Jeff?

Around two weeks after i took down my tank.. My wife bought me the tank for my birthday and kept it in our storage locker so i wouldnt find it lol.. So i basically had the tank just cycling for that time and when all the algea and cyano cleared off after the cycle i started adding the corals.

I thnk this time around im just gonna stick to my nano tanks since they are easier to do maintinance on and as long as i keep to my feeding regiment and my water changes every week my tank looks good. Hopefully the macro algae that i added will help keep the parameters in check also
wow looking really good man! I love the macro in this tank! What light are you using? I had this tank before and that 18 watt skyye light that came with it I thought did the job very well, only problem i had with it is you couldn't have just blues on, you could only have white and blues simultaneously
wow looking really good man! I love the macro in this tank! What light are you using? I had this tank before and that 18 watt skyye light that came with it I thought did the job very well, only problem i had with it is you couldn't have just blues on, you could only have white and blues simultaneously

Thanks man.. Im running two AI primes over the tank.. I thnk the skyye light is good for lps and softies but anything beyond that it cant handle

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I love my prime. The spectrum and functionality of this light is amazing

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Tank pics :)

Green monti

New coral from [MENTION=2707]sevenseas[/MENTION]aquatics


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Tank FTS

New rock flower anemone

Purple and yellow

Aussie Elegance

Not sure what this is but it was nice

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