Starting a salt water tank, but need some advice

Hello eveyone,

I am new to this site and would like to get some good feedback.

I have had tanks in the past and finally got started on setting up a new one! I'm exciting to get this tank repaired and make it a salt water tank.

I bought this tank 2nd hand; they had a filter system I do not want to use. With that does anyone have good opinions on how to cover and seal theses holes.

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When it comes to glass, nothing other than silicone forms a good seal. That said, no professional tank shop would seal drain holes at the bottom of a tank with a silicone repair. The reason? It will eventually leak. I really don't mean to dash your hopes, but instead shine a little light to help prevent a future total failure. The only other option I see is to install bulkheads then seal then with pvc caps.
What type of filter system do you plan on running ? Y not keep the sump system ?

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Aren't those holes for an overflow? And I believe that if you try to simply seal them they will leak and the last thing you want is to have a fully set up and thriving reef system going bad because of a leak.
Josh is dead on best way some bulk heads with some pvc and caps or use it for a closed loop system would need good check valves though. Although most of us r wondering what the plan is for filtration. Center over flow would look good
What about your sump? Like Joe said I think alot of us are curious as to how you will clean the water without a sump. Sumps are useful to house all the "ugly" equipment/refugium needed to be successful at keeping a thriving reef aquarium. You can have hob skimmers and other filtration but I think I wouldnt be alone in saying that those practices are unsustainable for a tank of that size which looks to be a 150 cube? Nice tank and stand by the way!

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Is that a 93 gallon cube? That looks like the standard holes for corner overflow.
Why don't you want to use the filtration system? This is the one of if not the preferred way to run filtration for salt water aquarium.
What about your sump? Like Joe said I think slot of us are curious as to how you will clean the water without a sump. Dumps are useful to house all the "ugly" equipment/refugium needed to be successful at keeping a thriving reef aquarium. You can have hob skimmers and other filtration but I think that I wouldn't be alone in saying that those practices are unsustainable for a tank of that size which looks to be a 150 cube? Nice tank and stand by the way!

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150 even better.
And even more important to have a sump setup.
Its a 180 gallon. Im so lost what to do with this tank. Not to mention this is the largest tank i have ever tired to get going. I need HELP! Any and all suggestions are welcome. Feel fee to send links for sites and advice..
Im not sure. A friend suggest that a do a Refusium but im not very experienced with them. What do you think of canister filters?
I would X the canister filter lots of trouble for that size tank and they house high nitrates
you should look in to a sump you can add a refugium if you'd like. the guys here would help choosing the perfect one for your tank that tank has lots of potential great buy

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Many people here would be helpful to help you set this up.
Do you have a budget?
You can find a lot of great buys here and great advice on what equipment and livestock you want.

What kind of tank do you want?
Look at what others have here for their tanks to see what kind of a display that you want.

Going slow is good; so you don't have to rush.
Where are you in IL ? There may be members in your area that could lend a hand in helping you set it up. And I agree with what's been posted already. I wouldn't seal the holes and I would use a sump / refugium set -up for underneath. GL
Yep get your self some new bulk heads and resilicone the overflow back in . Get a sump skimmer etc and that would be the best way to go u set it up with canister filters u will be shutting down before u get started
A sump would also add water volume to your tank making maintainance significantly easier. The overflows are also the best way to go for saltwater. Plenty of people would be more than happy to help on the forums all you need to do is ask
I realize a sump sounds daunting, but advice from a guy who's run it both ways several times, a sump is the way to go. It gets all of your equipment out of the display tank and makes keeping your water clean a thousand time easier. Even if you've convinced yourself of massive weekly water changes now, you'll get sick of it later and it's easier to have a skimmer/refugium/media or all of the above in the stand getting rid of those nitrates for you.

Even if you just start with a cheap aquarium down there without baffles or anything fancy, you can throw a cheap home depot LED bulb and grow some plants which will help out the tank dramatically.