aquatic experience

Just came back took the wife and kids they had lots of fun took pics with the sea lions. Lots of good stuff and freebies bought a clown a nice torch and a rainbow nem

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Just came back took the wife and kids they had lots of fun took pics with the sea lions. Lots of good stuff and freebies bought a sclown a nice torch and a rainbow nem

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You see any nice Zoas? What did you pay for the nem?
Cannot wait for tomorrow, also taking whole family. Any chalices?
I didn't see a lot of chalices only a couple rainbow frags the fam will have a great time the kids won 3 betas they left happy

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I seen lots of sun corals and gorgs one vender there has lots

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Yeah, I saw it last night, that's Saltwater connections if I remember, I wish I had more room , but pretty much fully stocked with corals. But getting some cool fish tonight from Reefwise :)
Pretty good stuff if you like LPS, lots of choices, I grabbed a blasto. If you're an SPS lower, not so much. I got good swag too. They run out, so arrive earlier.
Don't forget to get your Free reef nutrition shirt and a bottle of pods

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i got this nem yesterday for $35

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