Diy float switch holder


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Well this is why i dont throw crap away lol. I use 3 float switches on my reef keeper one for ato and one for skimmer to stay off till water level drops below a certain level so skimmer dont over flow during water changes or power surge the second one is in the skimmer cap so when skimmer fills to much skimmer shuts down. Any way was using the bracket from digital aquatics and they move to much kept pissing me off and had to be up front because of my drain pipe so i wanted to make one magnetic well the rw8 bracket was made for this lol has the holes and everything already and perfect set up for what i wanted one higher then the other. Bottom switch is my ato top switch turns skimmer off if water level gets that high also top float is safety for ato will turn off ato if water gets that high
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Well this is why i dont throw crap away lol. I use 3 float switches on my reef keeper one for ato and one for skimmer to stay off till water level drops below a certain level so skimmer dont over flow during water changes or power surge the second one is in the skimmer cap so when skimmer fills to much skimmer shuts down. Any way was using the bracket from digital aquatics and they move to much kept pissing me off and had to be up front because of my drain pipe so i wanted to make one magnetic well the rw8 bracket was made for this lol has the holes and everything already and perfect set up for what i wanted one higher then the other. Bottom switch is my ato top switch turns skimmer off if water level gets that high also top float is safety for ato will turn off ato if water gets that high

Beware of this method man!! I had the same "great" idea. Made a magnetic switch holder. Well turns out for certain float switches if there is a magnetic field within a certain distance of the float switch the switch will turn on and stay on. For a very long while mine worked and then my sump kept overflowing and I couldn't figure out why the ato was still on even though the floater was up. Well I figured the float switch just broke because no matter what I did, moved switch up and then down the switch remained on. Well I went out and bought a new float switch spliced it into my ato toms aqua lifter and put it back on the magnetic diy rack I made from left over jeboa shit I had laying around. Worked for a little while then same thing. Then I took the witch off of the magnetic thing to switch it out with a new float switch but when I got it off my magnet the thing started working again so instead of going through the process of re splicing in a new float switch I just decided maybe it was a hermit crab this time and I moved the witch back to the magnetic rack to glue it back on. That's when I heard the pump go back on. I then moved it to and from the magnetic rack and whenever it got too close to the magnet it turned on regardless of whether the floater was up or down. After that I got rid of the magnetic rack and just glued the damn float switch to the wall of the sump, haven't had a problem since. If I were u I would either do the same or make the acrylic arm of the magnetic float rack long enough so that the switch feels no interference from the magnetic field made by the magnet or u may be looking at a dirty situation! Lol

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Beware of this method man!! I had the same "great" idea. Made a magnetic switch holder. Well turns out for certain float switches if there is a magnetic field within a certain distance of the float switch the switch will turn on and stay on. For a very long while mine worked and then my sump kept overflowing and I couldn't figure out why the ato was still on even though the floater was up. Well I figured the float switch just broke because no matter what I did, moved switch up and then down the switch remained on. Well I went out and bought a new float switch spliced it into my ato toms aqua lifter and put it back on the magnetic diy rack I made from left over jeboa shit I had laying around. Worked for a little while then same thing. Then I took the witch off of the magnetic thing to switch it out with a new float switch but when I got it off my magnet the thing started working again so instead of going through the process of re splicing in a new float switch I just decided maybe it was a hermit crab this time and I moved the witch back to the magnetic rack to glue it back on. That's when I heard the pump go back on. I then moved it to and from the magnetic rack and whenever it got too close to the magnet it turned on regardless of whether the floater was up or down. After that I got rid of the magnetic rack and just glued the damn float switch to the wall of the sump, haven't had a problem since. If I were u I would either do the same or make the acrylic arm of the magnetic float rack long enough so that the switch feels no interference from the magnetic field made by the magnet or u may be looking at a dirty situation! Lol

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I will keep eye on it i did think about that while building and i swapped the magnets around idk the technical term id guess north and south or push and pull around so the pull wasnt toward the switches if that makes sense
So far so good all been working and no interference issues . I did look at my da floats and some cheap ebay floats i can see why there maybe interference issues with cheaper floats not to mention magnet unprotected in salt water cant be good
Beware of this method man!! I had the same "great" idea. Made a magnetic switch holder. Well turns out for certain float switches if there is a magnetic field within a certain distance of the float switch the switch will turn on and stay on. For a very long while mine worked and then my sump kept overflowing and I couldn't figure out why the ato was still on even though the floater was up. Well I figured the float switch just broke because no matter what I did, moved switch up and then down the switch remained on. Well I went out and bought a new float switch spliced it into my ato toms aqua lifter and put it back on the magnetic diy rack I made from left over jeboa shit I had laying around. Worked for a little while then same thing. Then I took the witch off of the magnetic thing to switch it out with a new float switch but when I got it off my magnet the thing started working again so instead of going through the process of re splicing in a new float switch I just decided maybe it was a hermit crab this time and I moved the witch back to the magnetic rack to glue it back on. That's when I heard the pump go back on. I then moved it to and from the magnetic rack and whenever it got too close to the magnet it turned on regardless of whether the floater was up or down. After that I got rid of the magnetic rack and just glued the damn float switch to the wall of the sump, haven't had a problem since. If I were u I would either do the same or make the acrylic arm of the magnetic float rack long enough so that the switch feels no interference from the magnetic field made by the magnet or u may be looking at a dirty situation! Lol

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Well i spoke to soon and what u said did happen but since u told me watch out i set third safety float just in case thanks bud so guys dont use magnets lol. I ended up using zip tie mounts instead of magnets glued the mounts to the sump after i peeled off the foam sticky pad of course lol