Say hello to my little friend.

In my tank mine steals the show full of personality that's for sure. Will say mine has a fit if anything his body shape is introduced so I would watch that. But other then that a stellar tank inhabitant.
In my tank mine steals the show full of personality that's for sure. Will say mine has a fit if anything his body shape is introduced so I would watch that. But other then that a stellar tank inhabitant.

Actually, mine is getting harassed by my strawberry basslet. I hope he grows a pair.
In my tank mine steals the show full of personality that's for sure. Will say mine has a fit if anything his body shape is introduced so I would watch that. But other then that a stellar tank inhabitant.

Tru Dat , made the mistake of adding a 2nd one thinking they be buddies .. even in a 300 with 500 + pounds of rock they sought each other out and pulled a Ronda rousey and Amanda nunez fight