My fire shrimps pair disappear in 2 days already but cleaner shrimps pair still in tank
I can't finding body of fire shrimps around in tank
Is it any idea?
i used RedCyano RXTank looks SWEET!!! What is the darker tang? What did you treat the Cyano with? I have used Chemiclean and ordered some Dr. Tim's to try it out.
i thought my pairs of fire shrimps have been devoured by Mantis shrimp in my 2 Red Seas and 2 Vlamingi have devoured every shrimp i've added to tank , and out of 400 snails they may have missed killing a dozenPr!cks
i thought my pairs of fire shrimps have been devoured by Mantis shrimp in my tank.
Good Morning pencil wrasse. View attachment 19639
What a sweet photo! Really impressive tank.
Very impressive Bro, tank looks awesome as usual
What a sweet photo! Really impressive tank.
I thought my tank getting lost cycle algae is bloom in tank today . and some Red Cyano some spot on sand.
Yea well u play in tank and sell to much throws crap out of whack so it needs to stabilize again . Keeps hands out lol