Premium member
Can't wait 19 days and counting 
It is that time of the year again.
The CMAS Annual Coral Frag Swap in Chicago, Illinois will be held on Saturday April 22, 2017
You Definetly Do Not want to Miss this Awesome Coral Frag Swap!
- 37 Tables with Vendors From All Over the Country
- Guest Speakers (Like MACNA)
- Gigantic Raffle
For more information please take a look at the link below.
The Facebook Page is
Odeum Expo Center
1033 North Villa Avenue
Villa Park, IL 60181
Saturday April 22, 2017
The Frag Swap is from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
1 Booyah's Clownfish
2 Cherry Corals
3 Coral Savers
4 Dirk's Dry Goods
5 Eye Candy Corals
6 Kush Corals
7 Liberty Aquatics
8 Mermaid's Cove
9 Midwest Aquaculture
10 Motor Coty Corals
11 Pro Reef Corals
12 R&R Corals
13 Reef Critter Aquatics
14 Reef Deep Aquatics
15 Sho Tank Aquariums
17 Tank It Easy/Insane Corals
18 The Zoanthid Garden
19 Underwater Gardeners
20 Windy City Reefers
21 Wojtek's Reef
22 Brian Weber
23 Coral Wear Clothing
24 Exotic Aquatics
25 Jerimiah Lambert
26 Joseph Vaughters
27 Midwest Frags
28 Paul Schneider
29 Reef Habit
30 Reef LED Lights
31 Ruben Rodriguez
32 Spencer Strait
33 Sunny Chanthaphopne
34 Todd Hiney
35 Tyler Ball
If you have not been to a Coral Frag Swap I highly recommend that you go.
Check out this Video from a previous swap.
Vendors from around the country come to sell coral.
It is also a great way to meet and make friends that are in the hobby.
You will find the hottest Zoanthids, Acros, Acans, Chalices, etc. all at great prices!

It is that time of the year again.
The CMAS Annual Coral Frag Swap in Chicago, Illinois will be held on Saturday April 22, 2017
You Definetly Do Not want to Miss this Awesome Coral Frag Swap!
- 37 Tables with Vendors From All Over the Country
- Guest Speakers (Like MACNA)
- Gigantic Raffle
For more information please take a look at the link below.
The Facebook Page is
Odeum Expo Center
1033 North Villa Avenue
Villa Park, IL 60181
Saturday April 22, 2017
The Frag Swap is from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
1 Booyah's Clownfish
2 Cherry Corals
3 Coral Savers
4 Dirk's Dry Goods
5 Eye Candy Corals
6 Kush Corals
7 Liberty Aquatics
8 Mermaid's Cove
9 Midwest Aquaculture
10 Motor Coty Corals
11 Pro Reef Corals
12 R&R Corals
13 Reef Critter Aquatics
14 Reef Deep Aquatics
15 Sho Tank Aquariums
17 Tank It Easy/Insane Corals
18 The Zoanthid Garden
19 Underwater Gardeners
20 Windy City Reefers
21 Wojtek's Reef
22 Brian Weber
23 Coral Wear Clothing
24 Exotic Aquatics
25 Jerimiah Lambert
26 Joseph Vaughters
27 Midwest Frags
28 Paul Schneider
29 Reef Habit
30 Reef LED Lights
31 Ruben Rodriguez
32 Spencer Strait
33 Sunny Chanthaphopne
34 Todd Hiney
35 Tyler Ball
If you have not been to a Coral Frag Swap I highly recommend that you go.
Check out this Video from a previous swap.
Vendors from around the country come to sell coral.
It is also a great way to meet and make friends that are in the hobby.
You will find the hottest Zoanthids, Acros, Acans, Chalices, etc. all at great prices!