More filtration


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Hi i got a question ingot a nano fluval 20 gl so just have 2 small basket for filtration, do you think its enough for that or i need more system filtration ? it is a good idea get a external canister filter? Please give me some advices thanks, even if i got a canister filter i think cleaning up every week with my water change , thanks

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Everything depends on bio load, but with some live rock, and good maintenance, I think you'll be fine.
I got 12 pounds live rock .1 1/2 inches of aragonite sand , skimmer , not using yet bio pellets reactor and algae scrubber from santa monica filtration also in the basket got matrix from seachem

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Keeping up with maintenance will be huge. I have 65 gallon with only 30 pounds of rock. Supplementing with pond matrix (1L for now, might add more after the tank settles a bit).
Keeping up with maintenance will be huge. I have 65 gallon with only 30 pounds of rock. Supplementing with pond matrix (1L for now, might add more after the tank settles a bit).

What do mean "maintenance will be huge"?
At the end of the day you can get all the equipment you want to minimize WC's, but sooner or later you're going to have to get your hands wet.
For me maintenance its my #1 rule every week i gonna change 10 % of my water

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