CMAS Coral Frag Swap on April 22, 2017


New member
The Chicago Marine Aquarium Society(CMAS) will be hosting our annual Coral Frag Swap on April 22, 2017!

Whether you are a salt water expert or unfamiliar with the hobby,
the Chicago Marine Aquarium Society (CMAS) would like to invite you to our annual Saltwater Frag Swap. Come for the awesome deals, the great atmosphere, the amazing raffle, and share knowledge with fellow reefers!

The Swap will be at:

Odeum Sports & Expo Center
1033 N Villa Ave, Villa Park, Illinois 60181

The swap goes from:
10:00am- 3:00pm

Speaker is at 1:00pm- Keoki Burton from the Shedd Aquarium!

Admission Prices:
Price for kids 12 & under = Free
Price for CMAS Member Entry = Free
Price for Non-Member Entry = $10.00 (At Door)
Presale ticket cost for Non-Members = $5.00 (If purchased 48 hours before the start of the event)
Raffle tickets = $1.00 each

Check out our facebook page to find out more information about the swap!

To purchase tickets visit:



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A Few Frag Swap Tips for Both Newbies and Veterans

1. Don't Forget Cash. Some Vendors will Take Credit Cards, but Others are Cash Only (Even if a Vendor Accepts Credit Card They Will Prefer Cash Because They Will Not Have to Pay Credit Card Fees).
2. Bring a Small Portable Cooler to Store the Corals that Bought In.
3. Doors Open at 10:00 AM
4. Be Aware of How Much Time You Take Talking to a Vendor if what Your Discussing Doesn't Involve Buying Something . Vendors are Very Helpful and Knowledgeable and Most Will Try to Help You, but Please be Conscious of the Fact that Vendors are There to Sell and Not to Explain How to Rid Your Tank of Nuisance Algae (For Example).
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This is the Biggest Frag Swap in the State of Illinois and one of the Biggest in the Entire Midwest !!!!!

- 39 Tables with Vendors From All Over the Country !!!!
- Huge Raffle
- Guest Speaker (Like MACNA)

And it Only Happens Once a Year !!!!

You Definitely Do Not Want to Miss It :)
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Finalized Vendor List

1 AznNutty's Saltwater Connections (Frost)
2 Booyah's Clownfish
3 Cherry Corals
4 Coral Savers
5 Dirk's Dry Goods
6 Eye Candy Corals
7 Kush Corals
8 Liberty Aquatics
9 Mermaid's Cove
10 Midwest Aquaculture
11 Motor Coty Corals
12 Pro Reef Corals
13 R&R Corals
14 Reef Critter Aquatics
15 Reef Deep Aquatics
16 Sho Tank Aquariums
18 Tank It Easy/Insane Corals
19 The Zoanthid Garden
20 Underwater Gardeners
21 Windy City Reefers
22 Wojtek's Reef

23 Brian Weber
24 Coral Wear Clothing
25 Exotic Aquatics
26 Jason Weage
27 Jerimiah Lambert
28 Joseph Vaughters
29 Midwest Frags
30 Paul Schneider
31 Reef Geeks of Chicago
32 Reef Habit
33 Reef LED Lights
34 Ruben Rodriguez
35 Sonny Chanthaphopne
36 Spencer Strait
37 Todd Hiney
38 Tom Backer
39 Tyler Ball
If You Have Neve Been to a Frag Swap Before Check out this Video from a previous swap to get an idea of all the fun that you will have :)

Dealers from around the country come to sell coral.

It is also a great way to meet old friends and make new friends that are in the hobby.

You will find the hottest Zoanthids, Acros, Acans, Chalices, etc. all at great prices!
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Check Out the Official "Facebook Event Page" for the CMAS Frag Swap in the Link Below.

Click "Going" under the Big Picture with all the People in it from Last Years Show at the Top of the Page to Let Everyone Know You Plan on Attending :)

You will also Receive Updates and Reminders about the Swap if you Click "Going" :)

Invite all Your Friends Too so they Can Join In on This Awesome Frag Swap :)
Had a Great Time at the CMAS Frag Swap !!!!

Big Thanks to Chris and Everyone Else at CMAS for Putting on the Swap.

Can't Wait for It Again Next Year :)