2017 Fragstock Wisconsin, Sept. 9th


New member
Join us in Fredonia, Wisconsin on Sat. Sept. 9th for the 6th annual Fragstock Wisconsin Coral Frag Swap. Vendors from across the country will be there with a wide variety of corals to choose from.
The event runs from 11 a.m. till 3 p.m. . For more information visit our website at www.fragstockwi.com or search "2017 Fragstock Wisconsin" on Facebook.
The Fragstock Wisconsin Frag Swap (Fredonia, Wisconsin - Just 33 Minutes North of Milwaukee) is just 3 Weeks Away.

Don't Forget to Request the Day off Work if You Work Weekends.

Saturday, September 9
The Fragstock Wisconsin Frag Swap (Fredonia, Wisconsin - Just 33 Minutes North of Milwaukee) is just 2 Weeks Away.

Don't Forget to Request the Day off Work if You Work Weekends.

Saturday, September 9
The Fragstock Wisconsin Frag Swap (Fredonia, Wisconsin - Just 33 Minutes North of Milwaukee) is just 1 Week Away.

Invite All Your Friends :)

Saturday, September 9
The Fragstock Wisconsin Frag Swap

Fredonia, Wisconsin - Just 33 Minutes North of Milwaukee

is just 5 Days Away !!!!!!!!

Invite All Your Friends :)

Saturday, September 9
A Few Frag Swap Tips for Both Newbies and Veterans

1. Don't Forget Cash. Some Vendors will Take Credit Cards, but Others are Cash Only (Even if a Vendor Accepts Credit Card They Will Prefer Cash Because They Will Not Have to Pay Credit Card Fees).

2. Bring a Small Portable Cooler to Store the Corals that you Bought In.

3. Admission is FREE !!!! The swap is a great way to acquire propagated corals and learn about this fantastic hobby. Our expert vendors are all willing to help with any questions you may have and give suggestions on how to properly take care of your coral. Learn how to propagate coral yourself and save our wild reefs.

4. Doors Open at 11:00 AM and the Swap Ends at 3:00 PM
How many vendors will be there?

Here you go bud!!

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Had a Great Time at the Fragstock Wisconsin Frag Swap in Fredonia !!!!

Big Thanks to Ron, Jerry, and Bill for Putting on the Swap and Everyone Else that Helped Out Too.

Can't Wait for It Again Next Year :)