Welcome, There is a small frag swap coming up in October and there is also a big show Aquatic Experience coming up in November. They are not CR meet ups but a lot of reefers to chat with. I am sure there will be a bunch of CR members going to it. Some one usually makes a thread about it.
So if I'm only looking for a few particular coral. Do I hit the Harvest one next month or hold one month after that for Aquatic Experience?
I've never been to any before, but I don't want to grab something at one and then not go to the other because I'm out of room in my tank.
Distance wise, not much difference but they're not local, if I could skip one, I just might.
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I think it's the first week of November
Is aquatic experience a large frag swap or is it just equipment vendors?
Coral and equipment vendors if I remember correctly. I know some members meet there to swap also.