Sturgis, MI Fall Frag Swap (Sturgis, Michigan) - November 12, 2017

Everybody is invited to the Fall Sturgis, Michigan Frag Swap :)


Sunday, November 12


12:00 Noon to 4:00 PM


Youth For Christ Center
26693 US Highway 12
Sturgis, Michigan 49091

For More Info Please Click the Link Below.

-63 Tables with Coral Vendors From All Over the Country
-FREE Food, Drinks, and Snacks.
-FREE Giveaways
-Lots of Raffle Prizes!

Tell All Your Reefing Friends About It :)

Don't Forget to Request the Day off Work if you Work Weekends.
If you have Never Been to a Frag Swap Before Check out this Video from a previous swap to get an idea of all the fun that you will have.

Vendors from around the country come to sell coral (much of which are the amazing brightly colored corals that you see online).

It is also a great way to meet old friends and make new friends that are in the hobby.

You will find the hottest Zoanthids, Acros, Acans, Chalices, Mushrooms, etc. all at great prices!
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Here is the "Facebook Event Page" for the Swap.

Click "Going" Under the Big Picture with the Octopus and the Ladies Frag Swap Logo (Remember Men are Allowed too (It is Not Just for the Ladies) at the Top of the Page to Let Everyone Know You Plan on Attending :)

You will also Receive Updates and Reminders about the Swap if you Click "Going" :)

Invite all Your Friends Too so they Can Join In on This Awesome Frag Swap :)

EVERYONE Please Remember to Mark "Going" or "Interested" on the Fall Sturgis, Michigan Frag Swap Facebook Event Page.

It will help us get a good idea of how many people we should expect to come to the Frag Swap so we can plan accordingly.

Also, Please "Share" the Event on Your Facebook Page or any Reefing Facebook Groups that you are in as it will Help Get the Word Out about this Awesome Frag Swap.

Lastly, Please "Invite" any Reefing Friends that you have on Facebook.

Click on the Facebook Link Above for More Info.
A Few Frag Swap Tips for Both Newbies and Veterans

1. Don't Forget Cash. Some Vendors will Take Credit Cards, but Others are Cash Only (Even if a Vendor Accepts Credit Card They Will Prefer Cash Because They Will Not Have to Pay Credit Card Fees).

2. Bring a Small Portable Cooler to Store the Corals that you Bought In.

3. Doors Open at 12:00 Noon and the Swap Ends at 4:00 PM

5. Be Aware of How Much Time You Take Talking to a Vendor if what Your Discussing Doesn't Involve Buying Something. Vendors are Very Helpful and Knowledgeable and Most Will Try to Help You, but Please be Conscious of the Fact that Vendors are There to Sell and Not to Explain How to Rid Your Tank of Nuisance Algae (For Example).
Had a Great Time at the Frag Swap Today !!!!

Big Thanks to Ann and Shandre for Putting on the Swap and Everyone Else that Helped Out.

Can't Wait for It Again Next Year :)