Looking For Feedback on Chicago Reefs


I feel that it is really important to get user feedback to help make improvements to this community. I would like to understand what type of things are you interested in seeing from us as new forum administrators. Please reply with your comments below. Please comment on look/ease of use of the website, giveaways, product reviews, or any other things that you would like to see. We have a lot of ideas but I also find it is best to hear from the users.

Make it fun again . Contest like potm and totm . Place has been a ghost town . Dont think the site runs it self . Gotta keep people’s interest or it will just run the way it has and thats into the ground. Get moderators that get involved. Dont get me wrong the mods here are all great people but they are never on any more. You guys can ban me if you like i have few other login names and yea this is madjoe. Oh and dont have a lfs review section if you can only put good reviews. It just causes problems with you and supporters. This place was great but lack of ownership and running made it the way it is today . Jmo and like i said you guys wanna ban me like last guy for speaking my mind be my guest. But this place can be great again with the right leadership. Good luck and im glad someone might turn this place around
Make it fun again . Contest like potm and totm . Place has been a ghost town . Dont think the site runs it self . Gotta keep people’s interest or it will just run the way it has and thats into the ground. Get moderators that get involved. Dont get me wrong the mods here are all great people but they are never on any more. You guys can ban me if you like i have few other login names and yea this is madjoe. Oh and dont have a lfs review section if you can only put good reviews. It just causes problems with you and supporters. This place was great but lack of ownership and running made it the way it is today . Jmo and like i said you guys wanna ban me like last guy for speaking my mind be my guest. But this place can be great again with the right leadership. Good luck and im glad someone might turn this place around

I don't have an issue with anyone who has an opinion or provides feedback as long as they are respectful about it. I don't have an issue with you being here and hope you participate in the community. The only thing I ask for people from the community is they follow the rules and are respectful. I am okay with people having negative reviews on local fish stores or myself as long as they are done in the right manner. I won't tolerate bashing of members, stores and any one else involved in the site. Comments like this place sucks or the administrator is a jerk is not a review and will be removed from this community. I'm not saying you were doing this as I am not fully aware of all the details of the previous situation but wanted to provide an example.

That being said the community will only grow if members get involved, go to events, show of their tanks and ask questions here. If people just want to be here to sell or to look for a good deal then the community will suffer. I have ran and been involved in aquarium clubs for 15 years and great clubs have great members. My team and I can provide the forum and structure to form a great community but the members will ultimately determine how successful it will be.

Again thanks for your opinion and I hope you continue to be a member of the community.
I haven't been here long but I agree getting people involved would be nice.

I like the battle corals grow out I'm in for example.

Can we get a dark theme again?
I don't have an issue with anyone who has an opinion or provides feedback as long as they are respectful about it. I don't have an issue with you being here and hope you participate in the community. The only thing I ask for people from the community is they follow the rules and are respectful. I am okay with people having negative reviews on local fish stores or myself as long as they are done in the right manner. I won't tolerate bashing of members, stores and any one else involved in the site. Comments like this place sucks or the administrator is a jerk is not a review and will be removed from this community. I'm not saying you were doing this as I am not fully aware of all the details of the previous situation but wanted to provide an example.

That being said the community will only grow if members get involved, go to events, show of their tanks and ask questions here. If people just want to be here to sell or to look for a good deal then the community will suffer. I have ran and been involved in aquarium clubs for 15 years and great clubs have great members. My team and I can provide the forum and structure to form a great community but the members will ultimately determine how successful it will be.

Again thanks for your opinion and I hope you continue to be a member of the community.
Well , it looks like you removed some negative members, I'm more likely to be more active.
It was some what stressful posting in the past.
I haven't been here long but I agree getting people involved would be nice.

I like the battle corals grow out I'm in for example.

Can we get a dark theme again?

As for the grow it think that is something we can work on arranging again. As for the dark theme I would like to get it back up and running again in the future. There was an issue with the site a week or so ago and that theme setup crashed part of the site. Currently I have it disabled until I can get all the transfer ship of the site tasks done. Once done I plan to review the look of the site and look add adding the option of a light and dark version again.

Thanks for your feedback.
Well , it looks like you removed some negative members, I'm more likely to be more active.
It was some what stressful posting in the past.

I want people to feel welcome in the community and not to be afraid to ask questions. I want people new to the hobby here as well as established hobbyist. I will do my best to keep negative members to a minimum.
Volcano has an awesome aquarium.

I agree with the dark theme. Most of us are on mobiles and the white is too much going on at once on the screen.

Madjoe has a crazy way of running his Reef but always gives feedback to those asking about issues he was very active. He's way works for him and may not work for all.

I also agree that the mods were not active at all and the admin also. People started to just lurk and sell. I used these forums to buy so it helps also.

Ummm as for those who were using this forum to sell coral out of their basements and weren't "premium membership" but only kept ONE thread open ruined it for the others who actually wanted to sell dry goods but because they still had an open thread in the for sale that even when asked to close remained opened the system automatically will not allow a user name to post in the for sale If the last thing wasn't sold per quarter or something similar.

I admit I also started lurking.
As this past summer lots of incoming fish had diseases and most of us hobbiest suffered from fish dying and getting out or thinking of getting out.

There's tanks out there I know that don't post much anymore but I keep in touch with those off line.

Oh back to the battlecorals grow out. Reminds me. Mines doing well and made it through the system swap


I may edit this later as it looks too long for some to read
Volcano has an awesome aquarium.

I agree with the dark theme. Most of us are on mobiles and the white is too much going on at once on the screen.

Madjoe has a crazy way of running his Reef but always gives feedback to those asking about issues he was very active. He's way works for him and may not work for all.

I also agree that the mods were not active at all and the admin also. People started to just lurk and sell. I used these forums to buy so it helps also.

Ummm as for those who were using this forum to sell coral out of their basements and weren't "premium membership" but only kept ONE thread open ruined it for the others who actually wanted to sell dry goods but because they still had an open thread in the for sale that even when asked to close remained opened the system automatically will not allow a user name to post in the for sale If the last thing wasn't sold per quarter or something similar.

I admit I also started lurking.
As this past summer lots of incoming fish had diseases and most of us hobbiest suffered from fish dying and getting out or thinking of getting out.

There's tanks out there I know that don't post much anymore but I keep in touch with those off line.

Oh back to the battlecorals grow out. Reminds me. Mines doing well and made it through the system swap


I may edit this later as it looks too long for some to read

I think you have some great points.

The selling issue is always a huge one especially on forums. Basement or in home businesses are fine with me as I own one. The key is that they are setup appropriately and have the proper business licenses. I am okay with them selling but they need to be a commercial type sponsor. If you are buying large corals wholesale then chopping them and selling them you are a commercial entity and have crossed over from the hobbyist side. You should be set up as one and should be willing to pay for your marketing. I want hobbyists to be able to sell without much difficulty but trying to figure out who is who can be tricky sometimes. I plan on reviewing the current selling limitations and plan on making some adjustments to make it easier for hobbyist to post on this forum.

Thanks for you feedback
As of selling I think being able to post x amount in x amount of days is a pain. Looking for my post and editing it is too much.

I'd rather post my item and be able to delete the thread when it's sold.

The title is the name of the item being sold. Would probably make it easier for buyers as well.
Volcano has an awesome aquarium.

I agree with the dark theme. Most of us are on mobiles and the white is too much going on at once on the screen.

Madjoe has a crazy way of running his Reef but always gives feedback to those asking about issues he was very active. He's way works for him and may not work for all.

I also agree that the mods were not active at all and the admin also. People started to just lurk and sell. I used these forums to buy so it helps also.

Ummm as for those who were using this forum to sell coral out of their basements and weren't "premium membership" but only kept ONE thread open ruined it for the others who actually wanted to sell dry goods but because they still had an open thread in the for sale that even when asked to close remained opened the system automatically will not allow a user name to post in the for sale If the last thing wasn't sold per quarter or something similar.

I admit I also started lurking.
As this past summer lots of incoming fish had diseases and most of us hobbiest suffered from fish dying and getting out or thinking of getting out.

There's tanks out there I know that don't post much anymore but I keep in touch with those off line.

Oh back to the battlecorals grow out. Reminds me. Mines doing well and made it through the system swap


I may edit this later as it looks too long for some to read

just cause u think the admins aren't active doesn't mean we actually aren't lol. i still check CR Daily.
just cause u think the admins aren't active doesn't mean we actually aren't lol. i still check CR Daily.

A lurking mod. Great. We have plenty of lurkers. I hope the change is for active members.

Glad to see ya check in. I do the same.
If I'm not mistaken, you have a neighbor with a really nice system right? I forget his user name.
Well, I really have no issues on CR, I've met tons of people from here in person with no problems. I'd like to see more grow out contests, group buys, TOTM, POTM, giveaways, and actual group meetups and maybe even CR based swaps too. ;)

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This place use to be active as hell when I joined. There used to be meets all the time, even at peoples houses then some drama bullshit happened and a lot of the very active knowledgeable reefers left and started there own site. Which is also lacking. It seems like if you don't have a high end system packed with sps you are no body and no one cares about your tank problem. If people ask questions about some BS coral your not getting an answer because its not a Jo mammas Walt Disney.
I have to admit im not as active as when I first started but that's because I finished my tank. I still look here everyday tho. Never know when I might come across a frag I like or if I'm looking for a frag ill ask. I agree we should have more meets. Oh, and at the meeting I think we should wear name tags of our user name..lol..yeah I know cheesy but it would help meet one another.

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Same here as Boomie. It was fun when Everyone would chat. I meet a lot of cool people but unfortunately its when they are getting out of the hobby and selling everything. I look on the forum eveyday but lately just to see if anything good for sale.
When it comes to hobbies, it seems that there is always an ebb and flow when it comes to interest. I remember when I first joined this community, there was a ton of activity and I learned quite a bit from most of the active members.

The last couple of years I just haven't had time after putting in 12-13 hours a day behind my computer and on the phone for my job. After 6pm, trying to get a workout in, the last thing I want to do is sit behind a screen. So sometimes life gets in the way for most people when it comes to hobbies.

I'm sure the story is the same for most people on here, and have been on here for years. Some of the most active people are rarely active today. I'm sure that's partially due to life's obligations, as well as losing interest. For me, it's a mixture of both. While I do try to lurk, and do my best to help moderate, I just don't have the time to sit on here all day chatting.

One of the worst things was seeing how after the whole drama filled departure of other members, we did our best to keep members interested, hosting get togethers at local LFS, and aside from a few regulars, the turnout was pretty poor despite having giveaways to get people to come.

I would be more than happy to help organize POTM or TOTM if people are interested in that, and if Goat would like for that to happen. I just can't commit to being here all day on chat lol.

Part of what drew me into keeping a reef was how great it was to keep a miniature reef in my home after having been bored out of my mind by freshwater, as well as planted. The comment I've quoted below was what I came to learn about a sect within the reefing community that was pretty bothersome as it seemed to be extremely elitist. One of the corals that really piqued my interest in reefing is Xenia believe it or not. After coming here, and seeing people bash on the coral, as well as members who liked it, it became apparent that people were focused on reefing for all of the wrong reasons. We saw a substantial part of that group leave a couple years back, ultimately resulting in a change in ownership here, which wound up being better for the community, except for what I've mentioned above...that people seemed to lose interest in reefing.

I guess my question is for those who feel that the admin and mods were not active, what exactly were you missing? Because when I was on here, I'd see people complaining about over moderation. I guess that's the part that I don't get is what exactly were people missing? Most other forums I'm a member of, the mods just moderate, and really don't get involved where they don't need to. That's sort of the tact I've taken, where I only get involved when something crosses a line between members (breaks a rule). This isn't a criticism so much as it is a question. There have been several people that repeatedly break the rules, and then when they get moderated, they start crying about the first amendment. The rules really aren't that difficult to follow, and quite honestly are pretty straightforward. Whenever a use reported a thread, comment, whatever, anytime I logged in after getting a notification, usually within a minute, I'd find that one of the other mods had already gotten to it.

I do miss reefing, even though my tank is still up, and hopefully I can make time soon to start stocking it with some stuff that I like.

Specifically what Goat is asking is how do we boost activity on this board, so POTM, TOTM, as well as get togethers are all great ideas. The thing is, how do you get people who were really interested and into reefing, back into reefing or at least being interested in it again? That's sort of the boat I'm in, with the addition of a lack of time, even though I still have a tank up. I believe that's the chasm that needs to be crossed. Over the last couple of years I've seen interest wane in reefing, because this forum did almost run itself due to the owner prior to Josh literally doing nothing and there was a ton of activity. All of those mods left and started their own forum, but that one has far less activity so it's not the result of anything but a lack of interest. It just seems that people aren't as interested in the same numbers as they used to be.

This place use to be active as hell when I joined. There used to be meets all the time, even at peoples houses then some drama bullshit happened and a lot of the very active knowledgeable reefers left and started there own site. Which is also lacking. It seems like if you don't have a high end system packed with sps you are no body and no one cares about your tank problem. If people ask questions about some BS coral your not getting an answer because its not a Jo mammas Walt Disney.
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I wasn't here for when the drama went down or if I was I didn't pay attention to it because I try to keep it out of my life. That stuff shouldn't really matter any more it was the past and just learn from it and don't let it happen again.

With that being said.

I agree in forum swap with other members, TOTM, POTM, Contests, Growout Competitions will all get people regaged. Speaking of that I need to post my picture to the Battle corals page.