Ryan’s 180 Aqueon Mixed Reef

48 inch reefbreeder flanked by two ai primes two retrofit t5 and a 48 inch orbit marine pro mounted at a 45 degree angle in the front of the tank

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Interested in your long term thoughts on the Reef breeder.
Interested in your long term thoughts on the Reef breeder.

I’ll probably never get another light. I have always run these on every tank I ever had. If I were to switch out it would only be for radions and we all know how much that would be to light up a six foot tank.

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I said this before but your tank is insanely incredible and I hope one day my tank looks like yours
I said this before but your tank is insanely incredible and I hope one day my tank looks like yours

Dude thank u so much man it means a lot. We all know how much work and time we put into our tanks! Thank u for the compliment man

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What’s that millipora with orange and blue tips called? And where did you get it? Sorry for all the questions.
Hello my name is Ryan and I am a coral addict!

Hope you enjoy follow along for more cool pics, updates, conversation about chemistry, parameters and what I do on a day to day basis to keep this thing beautiful!


Beautiful tank Ryan!

Safe to say a lot of us would love to hear your husbandry/maintenance routine!
What’s your parameters again? If you don’t mind

SG 1.026
Alk 8.5-9
Ca 450-500
Mg 1400-1450
K 450

No3 grater than 64ppm (highest the Red Sea test goes) measured three days ago
Po4 greater than 1 measured one week ago

Making a slight effort to bring nutrients down

Ideally I would have nitrate of 20ppm and phos of .6

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Beautiful tank Ryan!

Safe to say a lot of us would love to hear your husbandry/maintenance routine!

Ok so for some reason my original post was too long and tapatalk was posting it all funny. Please look below at the following two posts to what I think helps me the most in my aquarium husbandry!!
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Ok so it’s kinda hard for me to tell you everything I do because I put a lot of time into this most of the stuff I do probably isn’t needed but lemme highlight what I think is most important if some of you guys want to replicate the success u are seeing here.

1-keep your parameters stable and Keep your nutrients high. I have found high nutrients not only keep growth steady and colors popping but imo they give u a lot more wiggle room when it comes to day to day or god forbid large fluctuations in parameters like alk. I have seen and experienced fluctuations in parameters in ultra low nutrient systems wipe out corals and tanks.

2- microbubbleing. I can’t stress how freaking awesome this process is. It keeps my water crystal clear and I no longer need to run ozone to have the clearest water. The clear water increases par of the light. Brings up your ph (if you run the intake line of the toms aqualifter through a co2 scrubber) and it brings up your orp meaning there are less of both harmful and good organica in the water column. This process can also treat but not cure ich and is the reason why my Achilles tang (who comes from highly oxygenated area of the Reef) who is a ich magnet is thriving in my tank. I hav personally seen increased growth and coloration from this process. This equipment costs twenty bucks and we should all be doing this. O did I mention u don’t need filter socks?!?!

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3- this goes along with 1 but dosing the right stuff. I have seen and found that any two part dosing method works. I personally use seachem fusion two part because the calcium is laced with magnesium and I don’t have to dose magnesium with this two part system which lets me free up an extra dosing pump. So use what works for u in regards to two part because I don’t think it really matters?
I dose acropower on the regular as well as koralin zucht coral booster. I highly recommend both of these products

4-a mix of different miracle mud/Julian sprung refugium sand in your refugium. People say it’s snake oil, it’s not imo. When I put new mud in my refugium I see noticeable increased polyp extension in my acros.

5- maintain a robust and I mean robust clean up crew always. I always see people complaining about algae problems and ways to get rid of it. When people ask me what they are doing wrong the first thing I ask them is what type of cuc they have. I personally have 80 Florida ceriths, around 200 plus dwarf ceriths, 60ish nessarius, 20 plus trochus, 40 plus of this other one I can’t remeber the name of, 20 turbos, two urchins, 60ish hermits, four tangs, a starry blenny, 4 serpent starfish etc etc etc. i also have thousands of reproducing limpets. people always wanna blame algae problems on high nutrients. Well coming from a guy with the highest nutrients u have ever heard of (greater than 64 ppm nitrate and over 1 phos) it’s not a nutrient problem. U probably bought a dismal cuc in the beginning and u never reupped on snails and crabs because let’s face it spending 100 bucks on snails and crabs isn’t as exciting as spending the same amount on corals or fish. So up that cuc if u have problems with algae.

6-adding and exporting nutrients. Sometimes I feel like my fish are fed sooo much and are sooo fat that they are borderline about to develop type two diabetes. But my tank lives with ich and that’s how I keep these spoiled brats healthy. I have a naso tang that could feed a family of 8 when the zombie apocalypse rolls around so fear not guys I got u! Haha in all seriousness we shouldn’t be starving our fish or our corals and inverts. I feed everyone everything a good mix of whatever is in the freezer at tank it easy. I buy a packet of each thing and mix it all up. I dont dose nitrates, I think that’s super dumb, I just feed feed feed. I have a great skimmer and I feel like that’s crucial to exporting all the shit I dump in there daily. My skimmer is off 8 hours a day and during this 8 hours I dose 4 ml of Red Sea no pox which acts as a carbon source for denytrifying bacteria that live IN THE WATER COLUMN not in the rocks. These bacteria eat nitrate, increase in population, use nopox for their carbon source and the following morning my skimmer turns back on and skims all these bacteria out of the water column. It is VERY important to run a microbubbles if you are going to do it like this. These dentrifying bacteria are considered aerobic bacteria and will deplete the water column of oxygen if you don’t have a skimmer running or microbubbles bubbling. Therefore u need one or the other. I don’t like running the skimmer when I dose nopox because it Skim’s out the bacteria before u get a chance to have the benefits of the bacterial population growth. Therefore my microbubbles run 8 hours at night when my skimmer is off and turn off when the skimmer turns back on and therefore I don’t see microbubbles in the dt during the day.

7- waterchanges. I don’t really do these like other people. If I see some cyano in the corner or somthing I’ll syphon it out and replace with fresh water. But the most I’m changing is about ten gallons once maybe twice a month when I see sand that doesn’t tickle my fancy in low flow areas.

8- flow. You don’t have enough. Get more of it.

9- deep clean. Once a month I deep clean my tank. This means I place filter socks in for 24 hours and turn the microbubbles on in the tank. Once the bubbles are bubbling I take a turkey badger and blast the shit out of all my rock and corals. The detritus goes up into the water column attaches to the bubbles goes into my overflow and fills up my socks. After about 30 minutes of blasting every book and cranny my three socks are filled up and overflowing. I then remove the socks and keep the bubbles running for the remainder of the 24 hours and the skimmer sucks up the rest. The following day I siphon out the skimmer section and blow off the macro in the refugium.

Hope that helps!!


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I love the detailed instructions of your tank husbandry!! That is super nice to share your tips and tricks of the hobby!! Very helpfully!!
Thank you for sharing

What are these corals name? I love the orange one! I used this photo for my background on my phone. It’s an amazing picture! I hope you don’t mind.

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