Your mishaps with the hobby?


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What stupid things have you done to yourself lately because of this hobby?

I got a Home Depot Buckethead because I don’t want to run filter socks anymore and I’d rather just vacuum my sump.

Well today is the first day I’ve used it. I assumed that the WET/dry vac might be somewhat water proof, but I was wrong.

In the middle of doing a water change I got a nasty shock. I’ve done some stupid things and been shocked before, but this one was up there in strength.

That’s my most recent mishap with this hobby, what’s yours?

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Worst one i did was r/o overflowed as i was cleaning it up the lady downstairs ask me if i can fix her closet light . So i go down there and check it out when i turn on the light was the weirdest thing i ever seen a bulb do so i took off the globe on it and it was a fish bowl lol apparently the reservoir flooded worse then i thought her clothes wer wet walls were soaked ceiling paint was bubbled. Luckily she was cool i told her id pay dey cleaning and fix everything. So glad i have a house now . Only can screw up my own crap. Second worse was my skimmer airline i had going outside some how ended up draining sump right on to my landlords truck nothing better to rust a car then some saltwater lmfao. I got rid of the evidence on that one lmfao. Zap my self with broken heater once also
Where do I begin?!?

I shut off my return pump before I turned of my skimmer.

plugged a finnex heating element directly into my apex and set up code that would control the heater on/off function. It stuck on and cooked all my livestock.

Oblivious to common sense, I cleaned a Nuvo 16 tank with a flipper glass cleaner (blade side) and found the tank leaking out water from the seams a few hours later.

Performed a water change without shutting off the ATO.

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Not lately, but when I had my old house and set up a two floor system. I had to powerful of a pump and the gate valve opened too far so it was about to over flow the tank. Not only did I trip down the last step but with my at hand I went to unplug it from the wall and zaaap.

Needless to say I called a buddy over and he helped me dial in the valve.
I overflow my r/o every time I fill it. Really need to install a float switch. One day

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I overflow my r/o every time I fill it. Really need to install a float switch. One day

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Omg a float valve has been a life saver. I used to flood my basement all the time. Good tho g it was unfinished
Omg a float valve has been a life saver. I used to flood my basement all the time. Good tho g it was unfinished
My house sump pump is a foot from the r/o so it pretty much all drains into there

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I overflow my r/o every time I fill it. Really need to install a float switch. One day

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I did that once. Got a float valve right after that, it’s such an easy and cheap fix to a potential big problem

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Getting ready to leave for vacation one time and needed to do a water change. Got the water drained and went to put new water in and realized I didn't have any made up.... luckily LFS was close so I could run and get some.

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I've had the RODI reservoir overflows back on my old setups - too many to count. But I would consider my biggest mess-up would be trying to go ULNS several times thus killing off my previously healthy corals for no good reason other than "everybody's doing it.
I had placed my dosing container higher than my dosing pump.... back siphoned right into the sump.. whoops..rookie move.
I overflow my r/o every time I fill it. Really need to install a float switch. One day

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took me years to get a float valve in my RO container... Funny how we have no problem buying corals, lighting, etc; spending hundreds/ thousdands of dollars. But an 8$ float vavle can take years. lol. At least in my case.
I had just got back from cleaning my bathroom with bleach. Forgot to wash my hands before working on tank and it was enough to kill my clownfish and six line wrasse. My bta barely pulled thru. Never again.

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I had just got back from cleaning my bathroom with bleach. Forgot to wash my hands before working on tank and it was enough to kill my clownfish and six line wrasse. My bta barely pulled thru. Never again.

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