Scott's Oceanic Tech 120g

So before I start the actual build thread on this, I have some questions/advice needed from anyone who wants to give it. I have a 40Breeder that I am going to be moving all the equipment and habitat from to the new tank this weekend. What advice, steps, things to think about, ANYTHING that you can give to possibly help save me from a tragedy? Thank you in advance!!

As for the build (so far)

Equipment being used:

Neptune Apex '16
Ecotech MP10QD x 2
Raidion Gen 1's x 2
Bubble Magus Curve 5
LifeGuard Aquatics Media Reactor
Eshops ADV-200 3rd Gen
Vectra M1

And here a couple of pics for your viewing pleasure, one of the 40 and one of the 120 on the custom stand I built for it. (Stand not stained in picture)

View attachment 24031

View attachment 24030’s that rock on the left pillar staying up there? :)

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I moved a 400g stocked with 20 or more fish and tons of corals to a 700g 40 min away. My advice is this. Plan everything out. Step by step. You don’t have a large tank but be smart about it. If I was you I’d get your new tank plumbed, filled, and both temp and salinity on point with your other tank. Get some flow in there. Then start by taking your rock out of your current tank, take your water out to keep the rock submerged. Take the fish and coral and do the same.

When you get to the new tank put your old water and rock in the tank (like you’re doing a water change) then add your fish and coral.

Obviously your rock and volume compared to mine is completely different, but that’s what I did with no loss.

If you have a chance before the move I’d get some extra rock for your current tank and start “seeding “ it now so you have more for the move. All the benifitial bacteria and everything on the rock will be huge for stability

Good luck with everything! Remember plan! Don’t rush or things will die.

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I moved a 400g stocked with 20 or more fish and tons of corals to a 700g 40 min away. My advice is this. Plan everything out. Step by step. You don’t have a large tank but be smart about it. If I was you I’d get your new tank plumbed, filled, and both temp and salinity on point with your other tank. Get some flow in there. Then start by taking your rock out of your current tank, take your water out to keep the rock submerged. Take the fish and coral and do the same.

When you get to the new tank put your old water and rock in the tank (like you’re doing a water change) then add your fish and coral.

Obviously your rock and volume compared to mine is completely different, but that’s what I did with no loss.

If you have a chance before the move I’d get some extra rock for your current tank and start “seeding “ it now so you have more for the move. All the benifitial bacteria and everything on the rock will be huge for stability

Good luck with everything! Remember plan! Don’t rush or things will die.

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Appreciate all the advice. Couple problems with my situation...Everything that I bought for the 40 is going to the 120. So it'll be difficult to get water in the new tank circulating etc because it's (equipment) being used to keep everythingg alive now. Other issue, the 120 is going where the 40 currently sits....So to get it going I'd have to take the 40 down enough to move it, bring it back in a new location, then bring it down again? Was hoping to just do one day long move and have all the stress (hopefully) controlled to that one day.

But all of this is stressing me out and I haven't even moved anything!!

Thanks again for the post, good sound planning is what I've been trying to do...just want to make sure I'm not forgetting too much!

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Go get a couple brute trash cans and prepare as much water as possible. I’ve moved tank enough to know that it’s always helpful to have water available to finishing filling. Because no mater how well you plan you always seem to be a bit short on the water come the finish line.

I would suggest moving the 40 away, sliding the 120 in, filling just below the overflow. Stick a powerhead and heater in the display, move rock and livestock over (still below over flow!), connect sump, plumbing, equipment, etc. then fire it all up and top off with some spare water.

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+1 on the brute cans! They aren’t very expensive and it would make it go that much smoother. If you weren’t replacing spots where the tank sits I’d say I have a couple spare return pumps I could borrow.

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Go get a couple brute trash cans and prepare as much water as possible. I’ve moved tank enough to know that it’s always helpful to have water available to finishing filling. Because no mater how well you plan you always seem to be a bit short on the water come the finish line.

I would suggest moving the 40 away, sliding the 120 in, filling just below the overflow. Stick a powerhead and heater in the display, move rock and livestock over (still below over flow!), connect sump, plumbing, equipment, etc. then fire it all up and top off with some spare water.

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This is actually on track of my plan. I have 3 40ish gallon cans, I have two going with brand new saltwater, the third I was going to pump tank water into and setup the heater and a pump in and put the rocks in there also. I'm planning on filling two 5g buckets also with tank water, and put fish in one and coral in other. Also with pumps and heaters. All the water out should allow me to move the 40b out of the way and equipment out of it and cleaned by kiddos while I finalize the plumbing and glue in place on the new tank. I'm hoping this won't take much more then an hour (already have the plumbing cut and laid out before hand). Then it should be a fill and resetting of rocks and coral...hopefully with no cycling, which is my biggest worry.

Thanks all for the advice. Actually got the tank on the stained stand last night to start mocking up the plumbing! I think it's going to turn out pretty all right!


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So I figured I'd update on the happenings over the weekend...

It all pretty much went off without a hitch. Only had a couple of drips during the initial testing of pipes, ended up being a couple of bulkheads that needed to be tighter then hand tight. As of right now I think I may only have one casualty, not sure yet, but my anemone is not very happy with the move.

Obviously I'm no where close to being done, have a ton of rock that needs to be added, wires need to be hidden and straightened up, but all in all I'm pretty happy with how things worked out!

But enough of these words, I know my fellow reefers, onto the pictures!!!

View attachment 24065

View attachment 24066

Tried to keep it as simple as possible underneath the tank:
View attachment 24069

Left side of tank has it's own compartment for all the electronics, with room to grow of course:
View attachment 24068